- To receive and accept apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interest
- To confirm the minutes of the Albury Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th January 2025
- To receive reports on actions agreed at the last Council meeting
Action: Parking clarification for Patmore Heath resident. See point 10
Action: Ask HMWT to confirm with Natural England that clearer parking signs can be installed by the parish council. See point 10
Action: residents were informed in the Newsletter and on Facebook of plans by HMWT to fell trees at Patmore Heath
Action: The clerk submitted the completed precept form.
Action: The clerk submitted the community asset nomination form for the Catherine Wheel
Action: Herts Connected and Echo flyers were published on Facebook and will be in the Newsletter next month
Action: the clerk arranged a site visit and a quote from a play equipment supplier. See point 11
- To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
- To consider planning applications received
3/25/0043/SCREEN|EIA Screening Opinion for up to 270 residential dwellings, access, public open space, land for community use and drainage.|Land North Of Stortford Road Little Hadham Hertfordshire.
3/24/1923/LBC PROPOSAL: Partial demolition of outbuildings and erection of replacement buildings with conversion to ancillary annexe. Internal alteration to include insulation, new wall and new flooring. Alterations to fenestration and openings and replacement of roof lights.AT: Gravesend Farm Gravesend Albury
- To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
- To agree payments due
- To receive the clerkâs report
An allotment holder has reported littering and dog fouling on the allotment gardens.
- To discuss Patmore Heath parking signs to clarify where parking is permitted and a letter to clarify where residents can park
- To discuss the quote for new play area equipment
- To discuss the progress of a grant application to add better drainage and increase parking areas at the village hall car park
- To discuss how to the possibility of installing a defibrillator at Upwick
- To discuss updating the village website to make it fully accessible as per current regulations
- To discuss pans to create a memorial garden on the first allotment plot
- To suggest agenda items for the next parish council meeting: 11th February 2025