Minutes April 2021

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 6th April 2021 at 7.00 pm via zoom

Present: Councillors Jolly, Davis, and Klimowicz
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt and 8 members of the public

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:05 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Clayden
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings They will be signed and passed to the clerk for filing.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
Residents of Patmore Heath asked who is responsible for the land either side of the access bridge that is in need of repair. They feel clearance of Patmore Heath contributed to the issue. The clerk said the land is currently leased to the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Residents asked if there is a maintenance agreement that includes keeping the drainage ditch clear and the clerk agreed to make enquiries. The residents commented that they believe debris in the ditch, which runs under the access way, caused the water level to rise and that this caused one side to collapse. They have asked an engineer to carry out an inspection and provide a quote for repairs. The parish council asked the residents to forward a copy of the report and quote.
6. To consider planning applications
APPLICATION: 3/21/0768/LBC PROPOSAL: Traditional porch on west elevation. AT: The Beeches, Albury Lodge Estate, Albury
No comments
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 2/3/2021 £12,854.31
Payments: £0.00
Receipts: Bank interest £0.25
Balance at 6/4/2021 £12,854.56
8. To agree payments due
HAPTC subs £336.51, Office 365 annual subs £79.99, Hundred Parishes Society subs £10, clerk’s salary £937.30, clerk’s expenses £52.29, allotment mowing £195, litter picker 1 £130, litter picker 2 £130. Total: £1,871.09
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Klimowicz, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
9. To review the accounts for year ending 31st March 2021 prior to completing the annual return
The accounts show an opening balance of £13,064.34, receipts totalling £9,905.29, payments totalling £11,685.56 and a closing balance of £11,286.07.
The Responsible Finance Officer will use these figures to complete the annual.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Questions from residents regarding an access way at Patmore Heath were received and forwarded to the councillors prior to the meeting.
11. To receive an update on the investigation into maintenance responsibilities of an access way at Patmore Heath
The chair asked the residents to respectfully remember that our parish councillors are unpaid volunteers who have spent many hours of their own time researching the answers to numerous questions and endeavouring to reach a fair solution to this issue.
The chair stated that the access way in question sits on common land owned by the parish council and serves as a means of access to 8 properties.
The parish council stated that as the funds it holds are public money, it must spend them in accordance with the needs of the wider community of Albury. As the access way does not serve the wider community, the parish council feels it cannot justify spending public money to maintain it.
In light of the residents’ points recorded at item 5 above, after the engineers report and quote has been received, a further update will be provided.
12. To report HMWT’s response regarding the clearance of a drainage ditch at Patmore Heath
The HMWT manager responsible for Patmore Heath has agreed to organise for the ditch to be cleared between the highway and the access way. The clerk will ask if the ditch can be regularly cleared to ensure no more blockages and floods occur.
13. To receive an update of playground grant applications and quotes for new fencing
A quote from a small local company came in at £4,500. They have pencilled the job in for late June. Albury PlaySpace has received a grant of £2,000 from Councillor Graham McAndrew. This leaves a shortfall of £2,500. Albury PlaySpace have asked if the Parish Council and Village Hall will pay this shortfall.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Klimowicz, that the Parish Council will contribute £1,250 towards the new playground fence once installation is completed. Unanimously agreed.
14. To discuss traffic calming measures to slow traffic through the village
A resident took photos that show road markings at Clapgate require repainting. The clerk will contact Highways to see if this can be undertaken and to ask about other traffic calming measures.
15. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 6th April 2021
Bank signatories, traffic calming, access way maintenance and drainage ditch clearance at Patmore Heath

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:30 pm