Minutes of the meeting held 7th March 2023, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Davie, Kelly and Klimowicz In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), PC Leon and PC Jack.
The chair opened the meeting at 7.15 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Clayden and Jolly
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 7th February 2023
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
PC Leon and PC Jack from Herts police gave a crim update. Though no crimes were reported in Albury during February, there has been a rise in the thefts of catalytic converters, number plates, and ride on mowers in surrounding areas. It is important to log crimes asap, especially number plates as these are being used on similar cars to commit other crimes. Use online reporting is possible or call 101.
6. To consider planning applications.
APPLICATION: 3/23/0386/HH PROPOSAL: Replacement of front porch. Two-storey rear extension incorporating balcony. Alterations to fenestration including insertion of window to flank elevation and erection of boundary wall to front. AT: Fir Tree Cottage Patmore Heath Albury. Comments by: 24th March 2023.
The parish council has no objection to the application but asked the clerk to add a comment that no vehicles involved with the build park on the SSSI areas of Patmore Heath.
APPLICATION: 3/23/0313/HH PROPOSAL: Conversion of garage into home office and external store to include installation of new window and side access door AT: 3 Oakwrights Clapgate Albury. Comments by: 16th March 2023
No comment.
APPLICATION: 3/23/0302/HH PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey rear extension, alterations to fenestration and relocation of main entrance. Removal of chimneys. Insertion of new window to right flank elevation at ground floor. Rendering to all elevations. AT: Linden Cottage Church End Albury. Comments by: 10th March 2023
The parish council has no objection to the application but asked the clerk to add a comment all vehicles involved with the build to park on the far side of the road not on the same side as the property as this causes an obstruction to the flow of traffic on this narrow stretch of road and makes it dangerous for children walking to and from school.
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 7/2/23 £9,551.78
Payments: D Muller website fix £30.00
Receipts: None
Available balance at 7/3/23 £9,521.78
8. To agree payments due. None
9. To receive an update regarding the bank mandate change request to update signatories
The bank has confirmed the updates are complete.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A resident has suggested solar panels for the village hall.
11. To record Councillor Brook’s resignation
Councillor Brooks resigned on 16th February 2023.
12. To review quotes for mowing the grass at the village hall and play area from April 2023
Thee quotes have been received. One is £175 per visit, one is £100 per visit just for mowing and one is £100 per visit to include mowing, strimming, weed killing and litter picking as necessary.
The councillors discussed the quotes and preferred the third one mentioned.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Klimowicz, seconded Cllr Davis, that E-Scapes Landscapes Ltd should be offered the village hall mowing contract. Unanimously agreed.
This will involve a maximum of 18 visits per year at £100 each.
13. To discuss any further information received regarding the Stansted airport flight path changes
The clerk and councillor Kelly are arranging a visit to Stansted airport to view maps and other information. Councillor Kelly completed and submitted a consultation form.
Residents should continue to report noisy aircraft as follows:
At or by calling 0800 243 788
14. To receive an update on our request to repair or replace the rusted railings along the Albury Road
No updates have been received. The clerk will make enquiries.
15. To receive an update on our requests for the lowering of the speed limit on the hill leading towards the school, and improvement of the footpath beside it
No updates have been received. The clerk will make enquiries.
16. To discuss the progress of a request for funds to improve lighting, security and patios at the village hall
We’re waiting for a final quote before making a decision.
17. To receive an update on the tractor suggested for the play area
No update has been received so far.
18. To discuss the cost of installing and servicing dog waste bins
The clerk will confirm if East Herts Council service bins that they do not provide and install and if so what the cost will be.
19. To discuss preparation for the parish council elections to be held on 4th May
The deadline for delivering completed nomination forms is 4pm on Tuesday 4 April 2023. The clerk distributed forms to the councillors.
20. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 4th April 2023
Stansted Airport flight path changes, renewing/replacing the railings along the Albury Road near the village sign, lights and cameras at the village hall, spending reserve money, coronation tree, memorial garden at allotments, fund matching Santa funds going forward, litter problems, coronation volunteering etc
The chair closed the meeting at 8.15 pm
Signed………………………………….. Date………………………..