Meeting Minutes 01.07.2014

Meeting Minutes 01.07.2014


Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall



Abigail Muller (chairman), Nuala Barrett, Perry Benton, Jane Pettitt (Clerk)

Members of the public (MOP) present: 5

The chairman opened the meeting at 19:25

1.      Apologies for absence. Cllr Webster. Also, the clerk had to leave at 7.30pm due to an urgent family matter.

2.      Other councillor absences. None

3.      Declarations of interest. None

4.      Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting – 3rd June

The minutes of the previous meeting, having been previously circulated, were agreed as a true record.

5.      Notification of urgent business not included in the agenda. None.

Meeting suspended at 19:25 for:

6.      Questions from Members of the Public (limited to 15 minutes)

An MOP asked if the council would clear allotments 1, 2 and 6 as well as the footpath behind the allotments. The council agreed to discuss clearing these allotments. The clerk agreed to ask the Countryside Access Officer if she knows who is responsible for clearing the path. An MOP asked if the Coronation Oak Tree on Cow Pasture could be fenced to prevent the farmer from ploughing too near to it as he has been informed this may be affecting its well being. The clerk agreed to seek advice on this matter from East Herts Tree Preservation Officer.

Meeting resumed at 19:40

7.      Dog fouling

Stickers have been placed around the village reminding people to pick up dog waste. It has proved difficult to buy discreet dog waste bag dispensers. Larger ones are available and will be considered. An MOP contacted the council to complain about dog fouling but was not present at the meeting to discuss this further. The clerk did contact East Herts prior to the meeting and was told complaints should be made by individuals to East Herts Environmental Services on 01279 655261. The school children have designed some posters which are to be displayed around the village.

8.      Patmore Heath

An MOP asked for an update regarding Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trusts (HMWTs) management plans. The chairman said she will provide the contact group with details of any further discussions.

9.      Planning applications


Permission refused

Clapgate House, Albury, SG11 2JS.

Engineering works to include new access, hardstanding and formation of retaining wall. No comment


Approved with conditions

Upwick House, Upwick Green, Albury, SG11 2LA.

Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Removal of single storey courtyard annexe and replacement with single storey building for use as garden room (habitable use). No comment



The Bothy, Albury Hall Park, Albury, SG11 2JA

Change of use of part of paddock to residential garden and erection of replacement dwelling and earth sheltered subterranean pool building (Amended scheme). No comment

10.  Parish Council Vacancy

Toby Walne was co-opted onto the council and signed his declaration of acceptance of office.

11.  Report from the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

The internal audit was completed on 16th June and the Annual Return has been received by the external auditor, BDO.

Balances at 30/06/14         Community a/c                        £24079.78

                                        Business Premium a/c               £5254.53


Income:                          £1374.88         Litter Picking Grant

Payments due:                  £210.00         HAPTC training

                                              £150.00        Allotment clearance

                                                £96.00        First quarter litter picking

                                              £150.00        Internal audit

                                                £42.52        First quarter council expenses

                                                £43.70        Church cards

                                              £814.48        First quarter clerk’s salary

       It was proposed that the above payments due be paid. Proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Barrett. Agreed and resolved unanimously.         

12.  Clerks report/correspondence

APC received notice that the Catherine Wheel’s planning appeal was dismissed.

APC received notice that it will continue to receive the New Homes Bonus grant.

East Herts Council sent information regarding a public consultation on Household Waste Recycling Centre changes. For more information and to respond visit

The East Herts Council returning officer informed APC that no one had requested an election to fill the vacancy on the council.

13.  New allotment agreement

It was proposed that the new allotment tenancy agreement, as circulated prior to the meeting, be issued to the allotment tenants for signing. Proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Barrett. Agreed and resolved unanimously. Clerk to issue these prior to the renewal date of 16th July.

The installation of a rainwater harvester was discussed. Some of the tenants present at the meeting said they would not use it. APC are to consider approaching the Village Hall Committee with regards to installing water butts instead of a rainwater harvester. The allotment holders are to think about other solutions.

14.  30 mile speed limit sign on approach to Albury from the south

East Herts Highways have agreed to replace the old signs and provide additional signs. A new sign is to be added at Clapgate.

The Albury Antiques sign at the bottom of the lane is in the line of sight of oncoming traffic. Discuss repositioning it with Cllr. Webster.

15.  Parsonage Lane pumping station

The fence around this has been repaired by Thames Water and now looks much smarter.

16.  A120 bypass

Standon have been approached again with regards to holding a joint public meeting as they are a larger parish. An update is awaited.

17.  Website.

The decision on the website update was postponed to a future agenda to allow new councillor Toby Walne to review the details.

18.  Speeding through the village

East Herts are to conduct speeding surveys in the village. Cllr Benton is awaiting a DriveSafe update. A site visit is to be undertaken, possibly in September.

19.  Playground

The clerk has approached the company carrying out the playground safety check for advice regarding the possible installation of a climbing frame which could replace the existing see-saw. A response is awaited.

20.  AOB. None

21.  Next meeting date: Tuesday 2nd September 2014, 7.15pm at the village hall


The chairman closed the meeting at 20:25


Signed…………………………………..                   Date………………………..

 Abigail Muller  (Chairman)