Meeting Minutes 07.04.2015
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 7th April 2015 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr Benton, Cllr Muller (chairman), Cllr Waples, Cllr Walne, Cllr Webster (vice-chairman)
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 3 members of the public (MOP)
The chairman opened the meeting at 7.20 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence. None. Cllr Muller can’t attend the meeting of 2nd June 2015.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on 3rd March, 2015. Resolved that these Minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The clerk asked the landowner if a fence can be installed around the Coronation Oak to protect its roots. He replied that that area is not deep ploughed so the roots aren’t affected, therefore a fence is not necessary.
The details of the land licence for the bus stop green are still being discussed with Savills.
Nick Lock is to clear the vacant allotments this month. Cllr Webster is to arrange a skip.
Other matters to be reported within specific agenda items.
5. Chairman’s announcements (for information only).
The chairman accepted Cllr Webster’s letter of resignation and thanked her on behalf of the parish council for her contributions as a councillor over many years.
6. To receive petitions comments and questions from the public
An MOP asked when the bridge over the river Ash will be repaired. Cllr Muller said she has chased Ringway and has been told it is scheduled for specialist repair but no date has been set.
An MOP asked if APC could plant bulbs or flowers in the verges throughout Albury to improve their appearance. Cllr Muller said this would be considered.
An MOP asked if APC had thought of building on the allotments. Cllr Muller said it is not something the current Parish Council are considering.
An MOP asked for an update of HMWTs meeting with Natural England regarding Patmore Heath management. Cllr Muller said the meeting had only just taken place and APC are going to meet HMWT for an update before publicising the plans.
An MOP thanked APC for all their work regarding the Easter Egg Hunt.
7. To consider planning applications listed below
3/15/0348/HH Thatched Cottage, Patmore Heath, Albury.
Demolition of boiler store and erection of single storey rear extension.
As comments had to be in prior to this meeting, APC commented that the biodiversity report should state that the development is within an SSSI.
3/15/0427/HH 6, The Bourne, Albury
Two storey side extension to replace existing single storey extension. No comment.
8. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 31/01/15 £29,966.68
Income: Wayleave £91.12
Outgoings: as agreed 3/2/15 £1636.79
Balance at 31/03/15 £28421.01
9. To agree payments due
J. Pettitt, Salary £704.36
J. Pettitt, Expenses £1.86
J. Pettitt, For Easter Eggs £90.00
M. Vicary, Litter Picking £104.00
HAPTC, Annual Subscription £317.53
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Benton, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Received Cllr Webster’s letter of resignation.
A new LAIS1376 Guide and Transparency Code was received and circulated.
Allotment 7 has been let jointly to two residents.
A resident sent a request for an update of planned clearance work at Patmore Heath.
11. To discuss pothole issues
Cllr Muller has been chasing East Herts Council (EHC) to properly repair the potholes around the village. EHC have said there are underlying drainage issues causing many of the potholes which need to be addressed, and a date has not yet been set to do this.
12. To discuss broadband service in the village
APC are keen to take steps towards improving the broadband service in the village. Cllr Walne has been discussing the poor broadband service with a group of residents. Apparently the BT exchange in Albury is enabled for superfast fibre broadband, but this needs to be connected to the street cabinets in order for residents to begin to benefit from it. Cllr Walne said some villages have paid for this stage of the connection themselves and that he will investigate the work and costs this would involve.
13. To discuss the Albury Parochial Charities trustees
Rev Giles has agreed to replace Rev Boulton from July. Cllr Muller has agreed to become a trustee in place of another trustee. The other two trustees are happy to remain. The clerk is to arrange a meeting of the trustees in July in order to remove old trustees and appoint new trustees.
14. Agree to Magi Associates performing the internal audit at a cost of £125 plus VAT
The RFO spoke to Magi Associates who performed last years internal audit and they quoted the same price as last year.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Benton, that the Magi Associates undertake the internal audit of APC’s accounts @ £125 + VAT. Unanimously agreed.
15. To receive an update of the Easter Egg Hunt
Cllr Benton reported that the Easter Egg Hunt was a great success, as about 75 children and their families took part. APC would like to thank Sophia Walne, and her three friends, who provided lots of help on the day.
16. To receive an Arts and Crafts Show update
Cllr Webster will still help organise this event. Posters are being designed and advertising will begin in May.
17. To discuss making an application to the Parish Paths Partnership Scheme for a grant. (Grants of up to £1000 are available to improve, promote or enhance existing public rights of way to benefit the local community)
The clerk is to establish whether or not APC is eligible for this grant prior to further discussions taking place.
18. To discuss the Parish Council Elections and nominations
Cllr’s Benton, Muller, Walne and Waples have completed nomination papers. There are 6 positions on Albury Parish Council. The clerk displayed the election notices from the 30th March and posted them on Facebook in the hope of attracting other residents to stand for election. If there are any vacancies after the election these places may be filled through co-option.
19. To discuss the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish, and confirm a date for these
These are to be held on Thursday 21st May 2015. APC hopes for a good attendance by residents. The village broadband service is to be the hot topic. The clerk will prepare the agendas and advertise these meetings as early as possible.
20. To discuss the condition of the ground in front of the Itch Lane parish notice board and a possible solution
The councillors agreed this area could be improved and at the same time the village notice boards could be replaced. The clerk is to gather some quotes.
21. To suggest agenda items for the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish, both on Thursday 21st May 2015, 7.15pm at the village hall
Improving broadband.
Refurbishing the playground.
The chairman closed the meeting at 8.10 pm.