Meeting minutes 09.01.2018

Meeting minutes 09.01.2018


Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 9th January 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall

Present: Murdoch, Walne and Cllr Wheatley
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), and 1 member of the public.

Councillor Murdoch opened the meeting at 7.25 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies from Cllrs Benton, Clayden-Smith and Waples were received and accepted.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7th November 2017. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by Cllr Murdoch. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
6. To consider planning applications received.
None received.
7. To discuss the request for a grant for St Mary’s church yard maintenance and an amount if agreed.
Supporters of the churchyard maintenance fund have been raising money through holding afternoon teas at the village hall each month. These have raised approximately £500. The councillors agreed to donate a further £500 to the fund. The clerk agreed to ask for details of the annual costs of maintaining the churchyard.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr ¬¬¬Wheatley, seconded by Cllr Murdoch that a grant of £500 be donated to the St Mary’s churchyard maintenance fund. Unanimously agreed.
8. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 6/11/17 £35,509.57
Income: HCC grant £300.00 Bank interest £4.43
Outgoings: As agreed 7/11/17 £2,784.37
Balance at 9/1/18 £33,029.63
9. To agree payments due
Clerks salary £711.36, Litter picker 1 £130, Litter picker 2 £130, Graham’s Taxis (Nov & Dec) £290, HCC walks leaflet printing £618, Grass Cutters & Co £65, Santa chocolate selection boxes £170, Churchyard maintenance grant £500. Total £2,614.36
Resolved, proposed by Cllr ¬¬¬Murdoch, seconded by Cllr Walne, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A resident provided a list of parish council responsibilities which the clerk read to the councillors. HAPTC gave notice that the annual subs due in April will be £337.
11. To discuss the budget and precept for 2018/19
The parish council has had notice from East Herts Council not to include the new housing bonus grant as income when setting this year’s budget. So, the income for the next financial year will be the precept and a litter picking grant of approximately £1,400. The clerk told the councillors that the balance at the end of the financial year is estimated to be £28,900 of which £19,000 is earmarked for the village sign and playground projects. This leaves an available balance of approximately £9,900. The estimated expenditure for 2018/19 is £10,900. Setting a precept of £6,900 will give a total income of £8,300. Resolved, proposed by Cllr ¬¬¬Murdoch, seconded by Cllr Walne, that the precept be set at £6,900. Unanimously agreed.
12. To discuss recruiting new trustees for the Albury Parochial Church Charities
Postponed due to low attendance.
13. To discuss a defibrillator training date
Postponed due to low attendance.
14. To discuss the progress of the telephone kiosk library project
The library is now up and running smoothly. The pathway in front need some attention. Councillor Murdoch has reported this to highways.
15. To discuss the progress of the village hall playground fund raising
Postponed in the absence of Cllr Benton.
16. To discuss the request for traffic calming measures in the village
The councillors agreed that radar speed signs might help. It was also suggested that a petition could be launched against speeding. The clerk agreed to speak to Graham McAndrew and Highways to find out if there are grants available for traffic calming measures.
17. To discuss ideas for funding raising talks at the village hall
Postponed due to low attendance.
18. To discuss buying new crockery and cutlery for the village hall and a budget if agreed
The clerk is to investigate the amount of plates required and costs.
19. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 6th February 2018 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Playground fund raising. Village sign and site. New data protection rules. Crockery for the hall. Traffic calming.

Councillor Murdoch closed the meeting at 8.05 pm