Meeting November 2022

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 1st November 2022, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall

Present: Councillors Davis, Brooks, Clayden and Jolly
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 1 member of the public

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Klimowicz
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 6th September 2022
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications
Application 3/22/2225/HH and 3/22/2226/LBC: PROPOSAL: Demolition of single storey rear modern extensions. Erection of single storey rear extension. Restoration of courtyard walls/windows and door. Conversion of existing store rooms to habitable space, incorporating an ensuite, utility room and kitchen area AT: Labour In Vain, Church End, Albury. No comment
Application 3/22/2213/HH and 3/22/2214/LBC: PROPOSAL: Removal of conservatory, construction of single storey rear/side extension with roof lantern, external terrace, external steps, brick retaining wall and new timber gate and wall. Repair of existing flint wall on Western boundary. Replacement external doors and new door to replace window on north elevation. New door to replace window on East elevation. Removal of modern cement render, application of new breathable insulation and lime render. Existing garage drainage to be connected to existing main foul drainage in road and existing septic tank made redundant. AT: Gravesend Farm Gravesend Albury. No comment
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 6/92022 £17,980.87
Payments: Agreed 6/9/2022 £198.20

To Playdale (play equipment deposit) £4,244.06
Hedge maintenance as per contract £250.00
Flowers at village sign £23.98
Clerk salary SO £953.55
Litter pickers SO £260.00
Village sign area maintenance per contract £100.00
Receipts: Precept £4,000.00
Available balance at 1/11/2022 £15,951.08
8. To agree payments due
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only). None.
10. To hold an initial discussion about the precept for the next financial year
It was agreed in principle to keep the precept at £8000 as per last year. This will be agreed at the January meeting subject to a review of the budget forecast.
11. To discuss a plan for mowing the grass areas around the village hall
This area including the play area will no longer be mowed by Herts County Council from April 2023. It has been on their rota in error for 23 years. We are awaiting confirmation of the annual mowing cost from HCC and will seek quotes to compare this with. We will also look at the cost of buying a mower and storage shed.
12. To discuss the effect of Stansted airport flight path changes and how to report the noise nuisance this is causing
Aircraft noise has been on the increase since June this year. A consultation is to take place in 2023 and we are waiting for confirmation of the date.
The clerk agreed to ask HMWT how more aircraft/possible fuel dumping could affect Patmore Heath.
The clerk agreed to contact other parish councils who must be noticing the effects to see if we can join forces to fight flight path changes.
It is important that residents report noisy aircraft here: or by calling 0800 243 788.
13. To discuss the possible removal of larges shrubs on the allotment that are being used to dump rubbish
Councillor Davis agreed to investigate the problem and report back at the next meeting.
14. To discuss possible loss of litter picking grant received from HCC
We may lose our litter picking grant from HCC who plan to install bins in rural areas. We have expressed our thoughts on how this would not work in our hamlets, and with our lack of suitable areas to place bins. We are awaiting further information.
15. To receive an update on the playground fundraising and refurbishment plans
Albury Play Space has donated a total of £7,073.43 and the parish council has ordered new equipment on their behalf which will be installed at the end of October 2022. The deposit has now been paid.
16. To discuss the vacancy in the office of parish councillor and hear from interested parties
No applicants attended.
17. To draw the first quarter 200 Club number
We have sold 142 numbers so each quarterly prize will be £142. The amount raised after allocated prize money is subtracted is £2,840. This will be used to add a new soakaway drain and for essential repairs at the village hall. Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets. Numbers cost £24 each for 1 year from July 2022. If anyone would like to buy a number to be included in the remaining 3 draws, the price is £18.
The winning number for the first quarter as drawn at this parish council meeting is 121.
18. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 10th January 2023
Traffic calming gateways and rumble strips, 20s plenty update, playground fundraising. Repair of railings. Spending money in reserve. Security lighting at the village hall.