Minutes July 2020

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 7th July 2020 at 7.15 pm via zoom

Present: Councillors Davis, Hoyes, Jolly, Kent, and Muller
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt

1. To elect a chair for the year 2020/21 and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved, proposed Councillor Muller, seconded Councillor Hoyes, to elect Councillor Davis as chair. Unanimously agreed. Councillor Davis will sign the declaration of acceptance of office at the September meeting.
2. To elect a vice-chair for the year 2020/21 and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Kent, to elect Councillor Muller as vice-chair. Unanimously agreed. Councillor Muller will sign the declaration of acceptance of office at the September meeting.

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.20 pm

3. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Clayden
4. To receive declarations of interest
5. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
6. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
Charles Newcomb would prefer not to have a memorial bench for his wife Ann. An alternative is to be suggested.
7. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
8. To consider planning applications
APPLICATION: 3/20/1198/HH PROPOSAL: Erection of a new glass house building.
AT: Penrose House Patmore Heath Albury Ware Hertfordshire
APPLICATION: 3/20/1178/HH PROPOSAL: Removal of porch roof and erection of timber frame greenhouse/garden room to south east of cottage.
AT: White Cottage Patmore Heath Albury Ware Hertfordshire
No comments for either application.
9. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 2/6/2020 £16,318.01
Receipts: Interest £2.69
Payments: agreed 2/6/2020 £2,415.39
Balance at 7/7/2020 £13,905.31
Plus unpresented cheques £1,675.23
Balance per bank statements £15,840.54
10. To agree the Annual Return for year end 31st March 2020
The internal audit has been completed by Magi Associates, and highlighted no issues
Resolved, proposed Councillor Muller, seconded Councillor Davis, that the Annual Return has been checked and can be signed off. Unanimously agreed.
The clerk/RFO will sign her part and deliver the return to the chair to sign. It will then be submitted to the external auditor.
11. To agree payments due
J Kent for Zoom meeting fee £14.39, Clerks salary £758.55, Litter picker 1 £130, Litter picker 2 £130, Internal Auditor £120, Atkins Arborists £1260, CHBT £120, A Cooper for verge clearance £174 Total: £2706.94
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Kent, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
12. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Residents have reported glass in the new crush concrete path at Patmore. The county council have asked the contractors responsible to remove it.
13. To receive an update of the request to lower the speed limit on the hill between the village hall and the school
A change from has been raised by Herts County Council and passed to the highways department for comment. Councillor Kent is to continue following up for progress.
14. Review and update of the Albury Parish Plan
Data from the radar speed signs has been harvested for analysis. Highways said there is no powers source available to enable interactive speed sign installation near the school. It was suggested that parents lobby the county council with regard to this. Potholes on the road outside the school have been repaired. There is still an issue with the drainage. Councillor Kent is to speak to County Councillor Graham McAndrew about the progress of a safer route to school. Reducing the 60MPH speed limit between the village hall and the top of the hill to 40MPH is on hold because of COVID-19
15. To receive an update of tree works and fence repairs at the village hall
Atkins Arborists have completed the tree works.
16. To receive an update of village hall maintenance requirements
A quote of £3,540 has been received which covers painting the main hall and the outside plus clearing the gutters. This breaks down to £2,100 labour and £1440 for materials and scaffolding. The village hall committee will investigate if this is good value by seeking other quotes.
17. To receive any playground update
Councillor Jolly carried out an informal assessment of the play area. Signs regarding safe use during COVID-19 are to be displayed.
Graham McAndrew joined the meeting at this point and agreed to ask East Herts Council for their advice.
18. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 1st September 2020
Playground improvements, village hall maintenance

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.30 pm