Minutes of a meeting held on 9th July, 2024, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Jolly, Kelly and Pope
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (clerk) and 2 members of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 7.30 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Klimowicz and Sargisson
2. To receive declarations of interest.
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
No declarations or requests for dispensation received.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 4th June 2024
Resolved, proposed Cllr Pope, seconded Cllr Jolly, that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
Order new noticeboards (see point 16)
The clerk has requested more clarification from Gigaclear regarding their plans in Albury
The clerk emailed the owners of the Catherine Wheel to discuss it being made an asset of the community and is awaiting a response.
The clerk has contacted other parishes to request their litter picking costs and is awaiting responses.
The clerk has asked for quotes to strim around the 2 wooden Albury signs
An updated allotment agreement is ready for approval (see point 20)
A parish councillor vacancy notice was displayed in June (see point 5)
5. To hear from any residents putting themselves forward for co-option onto the parish council
As no residents requested a bi-election we are free to fill the vacancy by co-option.
Two residents expressed an interest. As a second vacancy has arisen, one person agreed to wait until the next meeting and apply for that position if a bi-election is not requested.
6. If relevant, co-opt a new parish councillor (current councillors will cast a vote for their preferred candidate if there is more than 1)
The councillors agreed to co-opt Ray Murdoch.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Jolly, to co-opt Ray Murdoch onto the parish council. Unanimously agreed.
7. If a candidate is co-opted, invite them to sign a declaration of acceptance of office so they can participate in the rest of the meeting
Ray Murdoch signed the declaration and participated in the meeting as a councillor from this point onwards.
8. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
9. To consider planning applications received.
APPLICATION: 3/24/1084/FUL PROPOSAL: Change of use of land to residential curtilage and alterations to barn with erection of solar panels and alterations to fenestration. Demolition and replacement of outbuildings. Creation of swimming pool, erection of pergola, patio and outdoor kitchen, outdoor fireplace and associated landscaping. AT: Hoys Farmhouse Upwick Green Albury. No comment.
APPLICATION: 3/24/1197/HH PROPOSAL: Retrospective erection of outbuilding and carport. Creation of new vehicle access and closing off existing vehicle access. Planting of boundary hedging and laying of concrete plinth. AT: Clapgate House Clapgate Albury.
The councillors objected to a similar application in 2014. Action: the clerk will submit an objection to this application for the same reasons: contravention of policies ENV1, ENV2, ENV11 and GBC3 of the East Herts Local Plan second review April 2007.
10. To discuss responding to an application for planning permission to erect a solar photovoltaic farm with supporting battery storage, inverters and on land at Wickham Hall Estate, CM23 1JG
Action: The clerk will resubmit the Parish Council’s previous objection to this application.
11. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 4/6/2024 £16,056.69
Payments: 7/6/24 CHBT emergency telephone subscription £120.00
11/6/24 HAPTC chair training £30.00
25/6/24 Mrs J Pettitt clerk’s salary £1083.55
28/6/24 E-Scapes,village hall mowing £200.00
1/7/24 M Vicary, litter picking £130.00
Receipts: 28/6/24 From village hall towards mowing £100.00
2/7/24 From A Cooper for PA system £59.44
Available balance at 9/7/2024 £14,652.58
12. To discuss whether to make a donation to Citizen’s Advice, East Herts and agree an amount necessary
The councillors agreed that Citizen’s Advice East Herts provides an essential service.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Jolly, to donate £200 to Citizen’s Advice, East Herts. Unanimously agreed.
13. To agree payments due
£200 to Citizens Advice, East Herts.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Jolly, to make a payment of £200 to Citizen’s Advice, East Herts. Unanimously agreed.
14. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Councillor Sargisson resigned on 8th July. A vacancy notice will be displayed until 29th July.
15. To discuss a request from a resident to take over the mowing of the village hall and play area
The councillors are happy with the current mowing company. Action: the clerk is to request a written schedule of works and price from the applicant to be presented at the next meeting for further discussion.
16. To discuss the progress of the purchase of two new village noticeboards and the quote for installation
The boards are due for delivery on Friday 19th of July and we are waiting for an installation quote.
17. To discuss ideas for the renovation of the two large wooden Albury signs
To keep costs at a minimum the councillors decided to seek quotes to have the current sign posts painted white and the word ALBURY repainted in black. Quotes will be sought for this renovation as well as an additional attachment saying, “Please Drive Carefully Through Our Village,” and “30 MPH.” Action: Clerk to seek quotes.
18. To discuss the progress of listing the Catherine Wheel as a community asset
An email was sent to the owners asking for their views and we are waiting for a response.
19. To discuss a budget for renovating the finger signpost at Clapgate
It was decided to ask for quotes for repair and repainting to see how much this is likely to cost. Action: Clerk to seek quotes.
20. To approve the revised allotment agreement ready for issue to the current tenants
The councillors read through the new agreement.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Pope, that the amendments are acceptable and the agreement should be issued to the allotment tenants. Unanimously agreed. Action: clerk to issue new allotment agreements for 12 months from 1st August.
21. To discuss litter picking, the number of hours required and the hourly rate of pay
The clerk has asked other local parish council’s how they manage litter picking. So far, one responded to say it is undertaken by volunteers. This will be added to the next meeting agenda for further discussion.
22. To discuss the Albury Play Space committee and the amount currently in the associated bank account
The current trustees are to be emailed to ask them to choose equipment to use up the current funds in the charity’s bank account. Action: Councillor Kelly to email the trustees.
23. To discuss ideas for new play equipment
We have a grant promised. No play equipment ideas have been suggested after a request for input on Facebook and in the newsletter.
24. To discuss creating a pétanque court adjacent to the table tennis table at the village hall
We are waiting for a quote. Action: the clerk will chase the quote.
25. To draw the final 200 club number for the current subscription period
Number 185 was drawn and the winner will be notified of their prize of £117.
26. To suggest agenda items for the next parish council meeting: 10th September 2024
Traffic steering meeting date, parish councillor vacancy, litter picking, Albury Play Space update, play area equipment update, Pétanque court quote, noticeboard updates, village gateway costs, village signs and finger renovations, management of the defibrillators, extension of the Village Hall car park to then left of the building using plastic grass matting.
The chair closed the meeting at 9 pm