Minutes June 2023

Minutes of the meeting held 6th June 2023, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Jolly, Kelly. Klimowicz and Lehmann. In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 3 members of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 7.20 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Jolly and Sargisson
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council Annual meeting held on Tuesday 9th May 2023
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
A member of the public reported nettles growing on the slide mound in the play area. The clerk agreed to mention this needs strimming to the gardening company.
6. To hear from parties interested in filling our current parish councillor vacancy and to co-opt if possible
Mark Pope attended the meeting. He has many years of experience as a councillor for a local ward and the parish councillors agreed he’d be a welcome addition to Albury Parish Council.
Resolved, proposed ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Cllr Klimowicz, seconded Cllr Lehmann, to co-opt Mark Pope as parish councillor for Albury. Unanimously agreed. Mark signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
7. To consider planning applications.
APPLICATION: 3/23/1006/HH PROPOSAL: Erection of cart lodge AT: High Hall Farm, Clapgate, Albury. No comment
APPLICATION: 3/23/0940/LBC PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey side extension AT: Elm Cottage, Gravesend, Albury. No comment
APPLICATION: 3/23/1063/FOFPN PROPOSAL: Proposed 1 additional floor to create 1 additional dwelling creating an additional 2.75 metres in height AT: Christys Albury End Albury. Planning permission has been granted prior to this notice which is for change of use from 1 into 2 residential properties. The councillors want to look further into the ramifications of this proposal and agreed to forward any comments to the clerk to submit by the 26th June deadline
8. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 9/5/2023         £13009.41
Payments agreed 9/5/2023           £402.47
Payments: E-Scapes (village hall mowing)           £200.00
Magi Associates          £144.00
Outdoor Play UK        £2050.80
Community First Insurance          £195.99
A Cooper for verge clearance          £100.00
Receipts: VAT refund 6/6/23               £3684.14
Available balance at 6/6/2023           £13600.29
9. To agree payments due. None
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Al has asked if we would like him to dig out weeds at the village sign and reseed the grass as necessary. Also, should we ask him to trim the hedge in the village hall car park before it grows too wild?
11. To discuss any updates received regarding the Stansted airport flight path changes
A freedom of information request has been submitted asking for information on flight altitudes, and frequency for departures and arrivals at Stansted. A noise monitor is to be installed at Patmore Heath and will be in situ for 3 months. Councillor Kelly is in contact with Stansted Watch to establish if they can assist in any way. We are looking into the airport’s obligations with regard to SSSIs. Albury is not on a continuous ascent path which can mean more aircraft noise. The proposal is to make it a continuous ascent path which should reduce noise. Changes to flight paths go through 7 stages and all airports are following the same process.
12. To discuss whether to update the Albury Parish Plan
The plan is to create a pdf of the existing parish plan and then recruit a steering committee to update and embellish it.
13. To discuss the status of the Albury Parochial Charities
The Albury Parochial Charities has existed since 1589. Land and property were left in trust to help the poor of the parish. These assets were sold off and the proceeds were invested as COIF funds with Blackrock and CCLA with dividends paid into a Barclays account. We need to amend the trustees and signatories for all three of these as they are out of date. The charitable status has been removed because annual returns have not been submitted. We also need to create an HMRC charity and provide these details to the banks above. Blackrock are holding money in a client account which we must withdraw before they pass it to a charity of their choice. This will be reinvested with CCLA.
14. To discuss the progress of a request for funds to improve lighting, security and patios at the village hall
The clerk chased this and was told applications are now being reviewed after changes in staff since our application was submitted.
15. To receive an update on the tractor suggested for the play area
This has been ordered and is due to be installed at the end of June.
16. Report on whether the Anthropos Festival is planned this year at Hixham Hall
The festival is not going ahead this year but they do plan to hold it again in 2024. Councillor Klimowicz is to contact the environmental health person who was looking into complaints about the 2022 festival to obtain an update of his progress.
17. Discuss applying for a grant for a memorial garden on the first allotment
The clerk agreed to contact East Herts to confirm when applications can be submitted for the next phase of this UKSPF grant
18. To confirm attendance at a meeting with the Stansted Airport Community engagement manager on 11th June at 12.30 pm
Four councillors confirmed they will attend.
19. To discuss planning a village volunteering day
If funding is available volunteers will be sought to help with the memorial garden. A list of tasks will be created.
20. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 4th July 2023
Stansted Airport flight path changes, parochial charities, volunteering day, parish plan, memorial garden, speeding tractors, railing repairs, 200 club draw, river cleaning, sign post clearance schedule, purchase of strimmer, encourage residents to report white railings condition to Highways
The chair closed the meeting at 8:50 pm