Minutes March 2024

Minutes of the meeting held 5th March 2024, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Kelly, Klimowicz, Lehmann, Pope and Sargisson
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (clerk), and 1 member of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 7.2pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Jolly.
2. To receive declarations of interest.
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
No declarations or requests for dispensation received.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6th February 2024
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Pope, that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The clerk contacted the Environment Agency (see point 12.)
The clerk contacted other parishes a meeting to discuss traffic issues (see point 15.)
The clerk has not yet found out more about planting an orchard on empty allotment plots
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications received.
Planning Application Consultation 3/22/2104/FUL
Planning Appeal: Piggott’s Farm Albury End Albury Ware LPA Appeal Reference: 23/00114/REFUSE
Change of use of barns to Class E(g)(i) office use with insertion of windows/doors, new openings, insulation, re-roofing of Barns 1 and 2 and internal partitions with mezzanines to Barns 2 and 3. Creation of car park, gates with creation of wall, bin store, cycle store, lighting, landscaping and dedicated bat loft. Demolition of modern stables building and blockwork walls within the courtyard.
No Comment
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 6/2/2024                                                   £15,486.22
Payments: 19/2/24 B Woollard,  Scott’s labour        £200.00
D Langlois,  Patio Invoice 4                                           £220.00
TTS Centre, 2 tyres for Santa trailer                               £50.00
5/3/24B Woollard, patio slabs                                       £672.80
Available balance at 5/3/2024                                  £14,343.42
8. To agree payments due.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To discuss a recent planning application to create 2 digestate storage lagoons in nearby villages and how these could affect Albury
The parish council will submit an objection because of the traffic this will bring through Albury. Residents should also raise individual objections. Action: The clerk will put the link to the proposal on Facebook along with the deadline for comments.
11. To discuss the recently received Wickham Hall Solar farm update
The parish council will raise an objection to the revised proposal as it undermines the approved plans. Action: Councillor Klimowicz with draught a response.
12. To discuss the Environment Agency’s response to a request to have the River Ash cleared
The Environment Agency does not maintain the River Ash in Albury. They did send a team to clear the culvert under the Upwick Road. Land owners will be asked if the condition of the river as it runs through their land can be checked. Action: The clerk will contact one land owner and Councillor Klimowicz will speak to the other.
13. To discuss the progress of reinstating the Albury Parochial Charities
A new cheque was received from Barclays and has now cleared in the Lloyds account. We are waiting for The CCLA bank account changes to be completed.
14. To discuss the progress of the village hall patio work
The slabs have been ordered and the path to the door is scheduled for completion by 12tth March.
15. To confirm a date for a Traffic and Speeding Steering Group meeting and discuss adding a discussion about Solar Farm applications to the agenda for this
The meeting will take place on Tuesday 12th March at 7.20 pm. Action: Councillor Kelly agreed to create an agenda.
16. To discuss the village hall sharing mowing costs with the parish council.
This will commence from April.
17. To discuss strimmer prices and decide whether to purchase one
A strimmer is approximately £219. Ray Murdoch is happy to use it to keep the area surrounding the flowerbed around the village sign tidy.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Lehmann, seconded Cllr Klimowicz, that a strimmer should be purchased. Unanimously agreed. Action: Councillor Kelly will order a strimmer
18. To discuss getting quotes for culvert clearance at the Albury Road and Upwick Road
Action: The clerk agreed to seek quoted for the clearance of these culverts and the one at Patmore Heath. Culverts may need clearing every 2 years and advice will be sought.
19. To discuss converting part of the allotment gardens into an orchard to save on mowing costs
The best time to plant bare root trees is November. The cost is approximately £500 for 6 x 1.5m fruit trees. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
20. To discuss local fly tipping and how this might be tackled
Fly tipping is increasing and the clerk will put a link on Facebook and urge residents to report incidents. The parish council could buy No Fly Tipping signs. Action: the clerk will get some quotes for the next meeting.
21. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 2nd April 2024
Parochial Charities update, River Ash condition, village sign area clearance schedule, patio update, traffic steering meeting update, allotment orchard, strimmer purchase, new noticeboards, HMWT to attend, sound system for village hall and pub to share
The chair closed the meeting at 8.15pm