Minutes November 2019

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 5th November 2019 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall

Present: Councillors Davis, Hoyes and Kent
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), district councillor Geoff Williamson and 5 members of the public

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:20 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies from councillor Muller were received and accepted.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 1st October 2019.
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be reported in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
Five members of the public attended to give their views of the Patmore Heath Conservation Area appraisal. They queried specific inclusions and exclusions detailed in the appraisal. It was agreed that Albury Parish Council would respond to the appraisal and include all the points raised.
6. To consider planning applications.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 1/10/19 £16,168.02
Outgoings: As agreed 1/10/19 £1,636.10
Stansted Airport Trust £10.00
Balance at 5/11/19 £14521.92
8. To agree payments due
Pippin Trees £55.90, Village Sign flowers £31.08, Clerks Expenses £40.47 Total £127.45
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Davis, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A resident asked if the speed limit at Patmore Heath can be lowered to 20 mph as it is an SSSI and also not suitable for 30 mph due to the size of the road and the number of pedestrians, riders and wildlife. Many visitors and even residents drive to quickly.
10. To hear from any residents interested in filling the parish councillor vacancies
Anita Clayden expressed an interest. Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Davis, that Anita Clayden should be cop-opted to the office of parish councillor. Unanimously agreed.
This leaves one vacancy to fill.
11. Councillors who have not already done so to sign the Standing Orders, Financial Standing Orders and Code of Conduct circulated for review prior to the meeting

12. To agree the budget and set the precept for the next financial year
The budget for next year was approximated to be £8,600. Last year the precept was set at £8,000 and it was agreed that it should remain the same this year.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Hoyes, that the precept should be set at £8,000. Unanimously agreed.
13. To discuss the new village sign site maintenance progress
Clearance has started and is expected to be completed soon.
14. To discuss them progress of the plan for other regular village maintenance
It is estimated other regular maintenance could cost £1,600 per year. This will be included in the village plan.
15. To receive any update from the playground committee
16. To discuss the progress of the Albury parish plan
It is planned to include playground improvements and social isolation. The draft will be pinned to the noticeboards and uploaded to Facebook for residents to give their input.
17. To discuss the quote for creating a new village website using WordPress and migrating the content of the existing village website to it @ £430
One quote has been received. Two more are to be sought for compliance purposes.
18. To discuss planting Catherine’s tree which is due to be delivered w/c 2nd December
Dates of 7th or 8th December were suggested and will be confirmed with the family.
19. To discuss the Patmore Heath Conservation Area appraisal in light of the 22nd October meeting
The parish council will send feedback including residents comments by 3rd December.
20. To discuss the possible prevention of certain heavy goods vehicles driving through the village
We have to establish if any vehicles are in contravention of their licenses and which vehicles are causing the worst problems. Large vehicles speeding in the 30 MPH zone are an issue. Councillor Williams suggested we arrange a meeting with police and highways at County Hall.
21. To review the allotment agreements before reissue
The agreement is to be reviewed before reissue to allotment holders.
22. To draw the November 200 club numbers
Number 164 was drawn.
23. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Playground update, Parish Plan, December and January 200 Club draw, bank mandate change to add new signatories, website update, Patmore Heath Appraisal, can Patmore Heath speed limit be lowered to 20 MPH, fencing between village hall and river, updating asset register to include laptop, radar speed signs, new village sign, feedback from ‘Speeding and & Various Traffic Issues’ meeting of 8th Jan

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:45 pm