Minutes of a meeting held on 12th November 2024, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Klimowicz, Levell and Pope
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (clerk)
The vice chair opened the meeting at 7.30 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Jolly, Murdoch and Kelly
2. To receive declarations of interest.
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
No declarations or requests for dispensation received.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 8th October 2024
Resolved, proposed Cllr Pope, seconded Cllr Levell, that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
Patmore Heath parking letter: see item 12
Log of actions taken to prevent parking on the heath: the clerk circulated a log created
Parking information sign for Patmore Heath: the clerk is still looking for a company to make one. Wording should be agreed before ordering one.
Grant from road safety fund: the clerk is still trying to find a funding source for various road safety items such as village gateways and signage
Extra parking at village hall: see item 11
Request for volunteers to repair fingerpost: a resident from Furneux Pelham has offered to undertake this once the bare wood has dried
Inspection of oak Albury signs: to be undertaken when the weather permits
Albury Play Space: The trustees are to choose new equipment using the funds in the account
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications received.
APPLICATION: 3/24/1930/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of single storey dwelling and rear detached garage. Construction of new single storey self-build dwelling with Air Source Heat Pump and solar panels AT: Alma Cottage Clapgate Albury. No comment
APPLICATION: 3/24/1922/HH and 3/24/1923/LBC PROPOSAL: Partial demolition of outbuildings and erection of replacement buildings with conversion to ancillary annexe, erection of cart lodge, creation of driveway and re-location of vehicular access way. Alterations to fenestration and openings and installation of roof lights. AT: Gravesend Farm Gravesend Albury. Comment discussed and will be submitted on the planning portal.
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 8/10/2024 £13,905.93
Payments: 8/10/2024 R Murdoch for plants £7.50
14/10/2024 R Murdoch for plants £15.00
15/10/2024 E-scapes village hall mowing£200.00
11/11/2024 J Pettitt salary increase backpay £80.60
11/11/2024 J Pettitt October monthly pay£374.62
Receipts:12/11/2024 Albury VH for mowing Sept/Oct£200.00
Available balance at 12/11/2024 £13,428.21
8. To agree payments due. None.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only) None.
10. To make a formal decision as to whether to register The Catherine Wheel as an Asset of Community Value and complete the nomination form if applicable
The councillors discussed and agreed that the Catherine Wheel should be registered as an asset of the community. Resolved, proposed Cllr Pope, seconded Cllr Klimowicz, that the parish council should complete and submit the relevant asset of the community form. Unanimously agreed. Action: the clerk will complete and submit the form and inform the owners that we have done so.
11. To discuss ideas for increasing parking spaces at the village hall car park
The clerk and Councillor Kelly looked at the car park and could see ways to increase parking spaces within the current area. Action: A plan is will be drawn up by the next meeting.
12. To agree on the contents of a letter regarding illegal parking on Patmore Heath
The draft letter and map were checked and approved. Resolved, proposed Cllr Klimowicz, seconded Cllr Levell, that the letter should be distributed to Patmore Heath residents. Unanimously agreed.
13. To discuss the problem of fly tipping/dumping of vegetation outlined in the footpath officer’s report
This pertains to the footpath that leads from the Albury Road to the bridlepath that leads to Patmore Heath.
Action: the clerk and councillor Kelly will inspect the area to see if the problem is ongoing.
14. To discuss the parish council paying for Albury Santa’s envelopes and printing
The councillors are happy to pay for enough printed envelopes for the next few years.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Klimowicz, seconded Cllr Pope, to pay for 2 years-worth of envelopes up to an amount of £400. Unanimously agreed.
15. To discuss responding to the consultation on enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at Parish meetings
The councillors are happy for the clerk to respond that they agree to this. Action: The clerk will respond to the consultation.
16. To discuss making a submission to East Herts Council’s Community Governance Review, deadline 6th January 2024
The councillors believe a parish council is invaluable to Albury and that residents should respond to the consultation. The clerk will add details to Facebook again and encourage people to respond.
17. To discuss Herts connected and Echo for the rural policing team
Postponed until the next meeting.
18. To discuss the progress of the renovation of the finger post at Clapgate
Furneux Pelham resident, Rob Farrell (Country Garden Care) has offered to take this job on once the post has dried out – so probably in the spring.
19. To discuss new equipment ideas for the play area
Postponed until the next meeting
20. To suggest agenda items for the next parish council meeting: 15th January 2025
Set the precept, discuss the clerks pay grade, grant from UKSPF, memorial garden, village hall car park and drainage, Albury Play Space update, play area equipment update, Herts connected and Echo, village signs, defibrillator for Upwick.
The vice chair closed the meeting at 8:40 pm