Minutes September 2023

Minutes of the meeting held 5th September 2023, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Kelly, Klimowicz, Pope and Sargisson.
In attendance: 5 members of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 19:15
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Lehmann and Councillor Jolly. The clerk is unable to attend due to illness.
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council Annual meeting held on Tuesday 4th July 2023
Resolved, the councillors agreed the minutes are a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
A MOP raised concerns that sheds, fencing and trees have been erected and planted at the rear of the bungalows on The Bourne, Clapgate. It was also flagged by MOP that the bungalow in question and its occupants have erected a lean to, this addition has created discharged surface water from the lean to roof to fall on the garages and their subsequent roofing areas. There are reports of concrete at the rear of the property, which may be on the Sewage works area, being dismantled by the residents of said property, with concerns that sewage contamination may occur. It is believed that the land in question that has been fenced off is most likely Parish Land, and no permission has been sought or granted for any garden extension of any kind.
PC to write to Clarion Housing with a copy of the letter sent to resident, plus a request to understand the contract in place for the resident and the boundary areas, as understood by the housing association. The letter will also flag that there may be potential water ingress and damage to garages adjacent to the property.
PC to e mail Thames Water and flag that the sewage works may have been subject to damage by said resident and an urgent appraisal of potential damage and any remedies required.
PC to ascertain via land registry the boundaries of properties, parish land and sewage works land by calling off appropriate deeds.
A MOP raised concerns and queried what was happening in regard to Anthropos festival, in particular in light of AMA Festival issues on 2nd Sept 2023.Please refer to point 18.
A MOP requested an update regarding the continuing concerns over aircraft noise on Patmore Heath. A question was raised in regard to concerns to the environmental damage to the SSSI. Please refer to point 10.
A MOP attended the meeting to offer support to the PC, in regard to agricultural speeding vehicles, subsequent damage and concerns. An incident regarding agricultural vehicles at Albury End on 7th August was reported. The PC were grateful for the offer of support, to understand the issues from a farming perspective as well as a parish perspective, and how we can work together to make the roads safer for all.
6. To consider planning applications.
None received.
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 4/7/2023                  £10180.44
Payments: 10/7 Allotment mowing Jan to June     -£515.00
24/72 x Village hall mowing June       -£200.00
24/72 x Village hall mowing July      -£200.00
5/93 x Village hall mowing August   -£300.00
5/9       CHBT Ann Supp node 4080      -£151.20
Receipts:       5/7/23 UK Power wayleave                    +£29.90
Available balance at 5/9/2023                      £8844.14
8. To agree payments due. None
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To discuss and formulate a response to the Stansted Airport Draft Noise Action Plan
A draft document was circulated by Councillor Kelly, which the PC discussed. The extension of the deadline means that a response via email rather than on the consultation portal is required by 20th September. The PC will e mail the response prior to this date. The clerk will make this document available on the village website.
11. To discuss the Parish Council becoming trustees of The Dole Field
The Dole Field was placed in trust for use by villagers and local sports club by the late Charles and Ann Newcomb. The current trustees are happy to hand over to the parish council and it is possible for a parish council to be trustees of such an asset. We should however take out trustee insurance and resolve the fact that the field and clubhouse are listed to pay business rates even though no profit is made. The electricity supply is the responsibility of the football club.
The pc agreed and it was propped by Councillor Klimowicz, seconded by councillor Sargisson for the PC to become trustee of the village asset,once a full check of liabilities has been established and a deed of land is obtained.
12. To discuss the status of the Albury Parochial Charities
The clerk applied to register the charity with HMRC on 1st September and it can take up to 6 weeks to complete.
There is no need to re-register with the Charity Commission as income is below £5000.
Once HMRC confirm the charity is registered with them, we can amend signatories on the Barclays account and apply to withdraw money held in a Blackrock client account.
The last Barclays statement received in December 2017 showed a balance of £7368. Income received from 4 COIF funds from September to December was £79.
Blackrock uninvested money and placed it in a client account in July 2017 after the charity was removed from the register – this amount is £4363.
It was agreed by PC that the clerk and Councillor Kelly continue to register the charity and supply a new “objects” declaration for agreement to ensure that the charity and it subsequent fund is available under clear guidelines going forward. The PC would be trustee of this fund and once established and current monies obtained a plan for consultation on how to spend the money within the parish established.
13. To discuss the progress of a request for funds to improve lighting, security and patios at the village hall
We are still waiting for confirmation of payment but have been assured the grant has been agreed in full. The new awning has been ordered as it takes 6 weeks to arrive.
TBC; Once the monies have been paid the agreed works will take place.
14. To discuss how to make Highways and the police take notice and help to resolve speeding problems
PC agreed to continue to request a meeting with highways/police and local government to discuss how we can manage this issue.
15. To discuss speeding issues in the village and possible resolutions including working with Stocking Pelham and other parish councils as necessary
PC agreed that we should interact with Stocking Pelham PC in regard to speeding issues. Share best practice within both parties and attend any relevant meetings as appropriate. Councillor Klimowicz will contact Stocking Pelham PC, to agree sharing of information and actions.
16. To receive an update of discussions with the Environment Agency regarding clearance of the River Ash
Councillor Kelly has established contact with Environment Agency and awaiting meeting date and time for an appraisal of the River Ash and what actions can be taken.
17. To report on the police rural crime update
Councillor Kelly circulated a report after attending the Rural Crime Priority Setting Forum, held on 10.08.23 with the rural policing team. Best practise and the update discussed. It was agreed that any further meetings should be attended by the PC.
Rural policing team will respond in due course to set what are the priorities for the next 6 months to the PC and all East Herts Parishes within the rural area.
The key aspect from the meeting was that the rural policing team asked residents to use 101 reporting for any incidents, to assist in the building of the picture of rural crime trends and outcomes.
18. To discuss the next planned Anthropos Festival at Hixham Hall
After a MOP raised concerns regarding this upcoming event, the PC established that the Anthropos Festival is planned for 23rd-27th May 2024. It was noted that tickets are now on sale and again there is a rolling 24 music licence.
PC has agreed to contact environmental health again to raise the concerns that were raised to the licensing committee and request involvement in what mitigations are being put in place should this festival go ahead. Concerns over traffic management, notably that the festival website details that the events team will be operating a shuttle bus to this year’s event from Bishops Stortford train station will be highlighted. Clerk to contact Cllr G Williamson to request what else we can do to control/mitigate or cancel this event. Given the adverse impact of AMAFEST, the PC are gravely concerned that this event may create similar issues.
19. To discuss making a donation to Citizen’s Advice East Herts and agree an amount if relevant
We donated £200 in May 2022 and have had a request for further support this year. The PC agreed to make a £200 donation in 2023. Proposed by Cllr Klimowicz, seconded by Cllr Kelly.
20. To draw the 200 Club number for September
In the absence of the clerk who has the numbers, this item was deferred until the next meeting.
21. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Stansted Airport flight path changes, parochial charities, The Dole Field, volunteering day, parish plan, memorial garden, white railing repairs, river cleaning, sign post clearance schedule, purchase of strimmer
The chair closed the meeting at 21:00