Minutes September 2024

Minutes of a meeting held on 10th September 2024, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Kelly, Klimowicz, Murdoch and Pope
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (clerk) and 4 members of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 7.25 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Jolly
2. To receive declarations of interest.
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
No declarations or requests for dispensation received.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2024
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Pope, that these minutes are a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The clerk submitted an objection to planning application 3/24/1197/HH
Consultation on S62A/2024/0045 – Erection of a Solar Photovoltaic Farm – the consultation had closed before the clerk could submit comments.
Change of contractor for mowing at the village hall has been put on hold.
Sign renovation quotes are still to be sought.
New allotment agreements were issued on 1st September.
The chair emailed the trustees of Albury Play Space to request play equipment ideas.
Quotes for the pétanque court have been delayed.
5. To hear from any residents putting themselves forward for co-option onto the parish council
As no residents requested a bi-election we are free to fill the vacancy by co-option.
A resident who attended the last meeting expressed an interest in filling the vacancy.
6. If relevant, co-opt a new parish councillor (current councillors will cast a vote for their preferred candidate if there is more than 1)
The councillors agreed to co-opt David Levell.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Murdoch, to co-opt David Levell onto the parish council. Unanimously agreed.
7. If a candidate is co-opted, invite them to sign a declaration of acceptance of office so they can participate in the rest of the meeting
David Levell signed the declaration and participated in the meeting as a councillor from this point onwards.
8. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
A resident asked if a mirror could be installed at the Clapgate junction to aid drivers turning onto the Albury Road. Action: The clerk agreed to ask Highways if this is possible.
A resident asked if hedges on the Hixham Road could be cut back. Action: The clerk agreed to ask Herts County Council who is responsible for the hedges. The same resident asked if the issue causing the persistent puddle could be resolved. Action: The clerk agreed to raise this with Highways.
9. To consider planning applications received.
APPLICATION: 3/24/1084/FUL PROPOSAL: Change of use of land to residential garden and alterations to barn with erection of solar panels and alterations to fenestration. Demolition and replacement of outbuildings. Creation of swimming pool, erection of pergola, patio and outdoor kitchen, outdoor fireplace and associated landscaping. AT: Hoys Farmhouse Upwick Green Albury. No comment.
APPLICATION: 3/24/1197/HH PROPOSAL: Retrospective erection of outbuilding and carport. Creation of new vehicle access and closing off existing vehicle access. Planting of boundary hedging and laying of concrete plinth. AT: Clapgate House Clapgate Albury.
The changes did not affect the comment submitted previously. Action: The clerk agreed to resubmit the previous comment.
10. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 9/7/2024                            £14,652.58
Payments: 11/7/24 Mrs J Pettitt (Citizen’s Advice donation)       £200.00
17/7/24 N Lock Allotment strimming £520.00
07/8/24 White Light Prod (Notice boards)          £3,156.00
14/8/24 Bear Improvements for noticeboard install £335.80
20/8/24 E-scapes village hall mowing August            £200.00
20/8/24 CHBT Annual defibrillator subs (hall) £151.20
30/8/24 E-scapes village hall mowing July £200.00
Receipts: 17/7/24 UK Power Wayleave    £29.90
30/8/24 From village hall for July/August mowing    £200.00
Available balance at 10/9/2024                     £10,119.48
11. To agree payments due
12. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Albury PC has received a request to participate in an open space, sports, and recreation study. Action: The clerk is to fill in the form and circulate it to the councillors.
13. To discuss the management of the defibrillators at the village hall and the Catherine Wheel
The clerk put forward the name of a volunteer to take over this role from Councillor Murdoch. Action: Councillor Murdoch is to arrange a handover.
14. To discuss the extension of the Village Hall car park to the left of the building using plastic grass matting and use of the car park by non-village hall patrons
The councillors discussed ways to rearrange the car park to create more spaces with an area designated for residents’ use. Action: the clerk will find out if planning permission is required to add plastic parking areas due to change of use of the land and also to check if there are any grants available for car park improvements. Action: Cllr Kelly and the clerk will assess the car park and hedges to see where more parking spaces could be created.
15. To discuss the progress of listing the Catherine Wheel as a community asset.
The clerk has sent a second email to inform the owners asking for their opinion.
16. To discuss strategies for traffic calming throughout the village
The councillors agreed to meet on 10/10/24 at 7 pm to plan a drop-in event where residents can attend to suggest solutions to traffic issues in the village and also to view ideas that the parish council has.
17. To receive an update from the chair of the meeting with HMWT at Patmore Heath
The chair met with two members of the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust at Patmore Heath. The heath is a protected area designated as such by Natural England and the HMWT are tasked with managing the area according to a specific remit. The main issue they have is people illegally parking on the heath.
18. To discuss how to limit parking on the SSI areas of Patmore Heath
Action: The chair agreed to draft a letter to circulate to residents expressing the importance of Patmore Heath and why it must not be parked on.
19. To discuss a suitable restriction sign to deter oversized vehicles from accessing Patmore Heath
The chair reported that it costs £138 to apply to Highways for a new sign plus installation costs. Action: The clerk will report the problems of damage to the SSSI by oversized vehicles to see if Highways has any ideas or can provide a blue sign that states the road is unsuitable for HGVs.
20. To discuss renovation of the finger post at Clapgate and other Albury signs.
The fingerpost at Clapgate needs repainting. The councillors wondered if their might be a volunteer in the village willing to take this on as a project. Action: The clerk will see if a volunteer can be found. Action: The chair will inspect the oak Albury signs to see what maintenance they are in need of.
21. To discuss the Albury Play Space committee and the amount currently in the associated bank account
The committee want to handover to new trustees or close the charity and its bank account. In the absence of anyone able to take over, it will be suggested that they close and choose some equipment to spend their funds on. Action: Councillor Jolly, as a trustee, will be asked to make this suggestion.
22. To suggest agenda items for the next parish council meeting: 8th October 2024
Traffic steering meeting date, litter picking, Albury Play Space update, play area equipment update, Pétanque court quote, village gateway costs, village signs and finger renovations, management of the defibrillators, extension of the Village Hall car park to then left of the building using plastic grass matting, defibrillator for Upwick.
The chair closed the meeting at 9.15 pm