Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 3rd November 2020 at 7.15 pm
Present: Councillors Jolly, Kent, and Muller
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt, Councillor Williamson, and 1 member of the public
The Vicechair opened the meeting at 7 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from councillors Clayden, Hoyes, and Davis
2. To receive declarations of interest
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 6th October 2020
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings They will be signed and passed to the clerk for filing.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications
APPLICATION: 3/20/2034/FUL. PROPOSAL: Construction of 1 detached dwelling with 2 off-street car parking spaces. AT: Land adjacent to 2 Church Cottages, Church End, Albury
The parish council object to this application for these reasons: unacceptable change to a visual amenity, lack of parking space, appearance out of keeping with the adjacent Grade II listed cottages, and highway safety.
APPLICATION: 3/20/2008/FUL. PROPOSAL: Ground floor rear extension with roof lights. AT: Oxen End, Patmore Heath, Albury
No comments.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 6/10/20 £15,882.62
Receipts: None
Payments: agreed 6/10/2020 £1,197.30
s/o 15/10/2020 Stansted Airport Trust £10.00
Balance at 3/11/2020 £14,675.32
Plus unpresented cheques £260.00
Balance per bank statements £14,935.32
8. To agree payments due
J Pettitt, Zoom meeting fee £14.39, External Auditor £240, Verge clearance £174 Total: £428.39
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Davis that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To receive Councillor Kent’s resignation
Councillor Kent has resigned because he is moving house later this month. His contributions will be greatly missed. A vacancy will be advertised.
11. To discuss quotes received for website accessibility changes
None received yet. Clerk will check on the progress.
12. Review the Albury parish plan – discuss speed data and maintenance at the village sign
Postponed to January meeting.
13. To review any speed sign data received
Data shows that whilst the average speed at the camera by the Catherine Wheel is 25 MPH and 33 MPH at the camera south of the Clapgate junction, vehicles do travel at as much as 60 MPH at these points. The parish council are to investigate the criteria for having 20 MPH zones installed.
14. To review any quotes received for playground fence replacement
BG Landscapes £8766 to remove and replace playground fence and gate
£3800 to remove and replace village hall fence and gate
£13800 for new VH patio
Top Level Fencing £22,788 to remove playground fence and replace with galvanised
metal fence
£5,640 to remove and replace VH picket fence and gate
Further quotes are to be sought. Councillor Williamson suggested we contact Little Hadham parish council as new fencing has been installed at their play area recently.
15. To review donation request for House Martin boxes at the village hall
Postponed until January meeting
16. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 12th January 2021
Playground fence quotes, update bank signatories
The Vicechair closed the meeting at 8 pm