Meeting Minutes 01.09.2015
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday September 1st 2015 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr Benton, Cllr Muller (chairman), Cllr Murdoch and Cllr Waples.
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 3 members of the public (MOP)
The chairman opened the meeting at 7.15 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence. Apologies from Cllr Clayden-Smith and Cllr Walne were accepted.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 9th July 2015. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
Arts/Crafts show flyers have been produced and distributed. More are available if required. Highways were contacted regarding large vehicles passing through the village. The police are aware. It is not possible to have a weight restriction because local businesses require access. Other actions to be discussed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
An MOP asked if APC can establish where the allotment boundaries lie. An MOP asked if the public have a right of way through the allotments. APC agreed to investigate both points. APC gave permission for an allotment tenant to burn allotment waste on a suitable day when smoke will not blow towards the nearby residences.
6. To consider planning applications below and any received between 26th August and 1st September 2015
3/15/1561/FUL. Heath End Cottage, Patmore Heath. Change of use of paddock land and erection of detached garage. No comment.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 30/6/15, £30,175.07
Income: UK power networks wayleave £29.90, EHC Litter picking grant £1,966.44.
Outgoings: as agreed 21/5/15: £1,626.96
Balance at 31/8/15, £30,544.45
8. To agree payments due: Football Goals £134.74, Allotment Clearance £70, Art Show flyers £39.40, Playground Inspection £49.80. Total: £293.94
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton, seconded by Cllr Muller, that these payment be made. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A resident sent in an email regarding large noisy lorries thundering through the village as early as 4am, which seems inappropriate, and asked if we can raise this with Highways. APC are to ask if it is possible to have a time restriction for such traffic put in place.
10. To discuss the playground inspection report
The clerk agreed to ask the inspection company if they can quote for the repairs suggested.
11. To discuss the new notice board to be installed at the Catherine Wheel
As Greenbarnes could not offer a discount, a notice board is yet to be ordered. Cllr Waples agreed to seek a quote from the company who are updating the Albury Village signposts.
12. To receive an update on Albury footpaths
Cllr Murdoch met the pathways officer in the village who recommended people continue to walk the path between Hixham and FP14. FP34 is finally being widened. Cllr Murdoch agreed to speak to the pathways officer regarding the installation of posts to restrict horses from entering certain footpaths where problems have been reported. Cllr Murdoch agreed to inspect the overgrown footpaths in Albury Hall Park. APC discussed the possibility of holding organised walks near to Christmas, followed by drinks and nibbles at the village hall. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
13. To further discuss purchasing a village defibrillator
The Arts and Crafts show is going to raise funds to put towards the purchase of a defibrillator. At the next meeting APC will discuss the possibility of fund matching money raised. The clerk agreed to ask Furneux Pelham parish council how they raised funds to purchase their defibrillator.
14. To discuss the Albury Arts and Crafts Show to be held 24th and 25th October 2015 and agree to APC meeting the cost of producing advertising boards
APC received a quote of £35 to design a sign and £34.50 to produce it on A3 aluminium.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Benton, that APC pay for the design of the sign and for three aluminium copies to be produced at a total cost of £137.90. Unanimously agreed.
15. To receive a broadband update including the possibility of ‘gap’ funding fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) for parts of Albury
The clerk read the following statement from Cllr Clayden-Smith: “We need to wait for the survey to be completed before we consider cabinets, as it only seems that properties directly connected to the exchange will initially receive broadband. Until we know why this is the case and understand how many properties any cabinets will be require, it’s a little early to discuss Gap Funding”. APC are to ask District Cllr McAndrew for a broadband status update for Albury.
16. To discuss providing a water supply for the allotments
After a short discussion, APC concluded that tenants should install their own water butts if required.
17. To discuss revamping the wooden ‘Albury’ signs
Cllr Waples secured a price of £225 plus VAT per sign to refurbish each with an engraved name plate. The installation cost will be £30 plus VAT per sign.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Murdoch, that both signs be refurbished at a total cost of £612. Unanimously agreed.
18. To discuss APC’s possible involvement with the Albury 60 Plus group
Cllr Muller is to speak to the group to ascertain how APC can best help.
19. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 6th October 2015 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Playground – repairs/refurb, Easter Egg Hunt, Notice boards, Defibrillators, Christmas walks, Footpaths, Albury 60 plus.