Meeting minutes 03.11.2015

Meeting minutes 03.11.2015

Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 3rd November 2015 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Benton (vice-chairman), Cllr Muller (chairman), Cllr Walne and Cllr Waples.
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), and 4 members of the public (MOP).

The chairman opened the meeting at 7.20 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence. Apologies were accepted from Cllr Murdoch and Cllr Clayden-Smith
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6th October 2015. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the vice-chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
Actions to be discussed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
An MOP asked who will lay a wreath at the memorial service on behalf of APC on Remembrance Sunday. The chairman said a parish councillor will be at the service to do so.
An MOP told APC about the lack of public transport service in the village. The chairman agreed to investigate other options.
An MOP asked for an update regarding HMWT’s management plan for Patmore Heath. The chairman informed him that APC and HMWT were to meet after this APC meeting to discuss the plan.
An MOP suggested a village defibrillator could be placed in the phone box at Clapgate as this is a central point in the village. APC agreed to consider this location.
6. To discuss the request for a donation towards the maintenance of the churchyard
The councillors discussed the fact that APC annually contribute £600 towards the costs of maintaining the churchyard. Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton, seconded by Cllr Waples, that £600 be donated towards churchyard maintenance. Unanimously agreed.
7. To consider planning applications below and any received between 30th September and 6th October 2015
3/15/2021/FUL. The Bothy, Albury Hall Park, Albury. Proposal: Change of     use of existing paddock to residential garden with proposed new entrance gates and driveway to consented house approved under LPA Ref : 3/14/1012/FP. NO COMMENT.
8. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 31/09/15 £33,091.66
Income: £0.00
Outgoings: as agreed 1/9/15 £1050.45, 15/10 Stansted Airport Trust SO £10.00          
Balance at 31/10/15 £32,031.21
9. To agree payments due
Skip hire £200, amendment to village signs £594, Art Show raffle prize £50, Website maintenance £40. Total: £884.00
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton, seconded by Cllr Muller, that these payment be made. Unanimously agreed.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
The clerk had nothing specific to report.
11. To discuss village defibrillators and fund matching monies raised at the Arts & Crafts Show
The Albury Art and Craft Show donated £750 towards the purchase of a defibrillator.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Benton, that APC match this amount. Unanimously agreed.
It was decided that the best position for a defibrillator is at the village hall (with the village hall committee’s permission, which the clerk will seek).
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Benton, that a community defibrillator be purchased and sited at the village hall. Unanimously agreed.
The clerk is to contact Community Heartbeat Trust to provide and install a defibrillator.
12. To confirm the date of the Christmas walks, agree a budget for refreshments, and agree who is helping and in what capacity
The agreed date is Wednesday 30th December. The walks will commence from the village hall at 10.30am.  Refreshments will be served at the village hall from 12pm. There will be 3 or 4 routes, depending on the number of participants.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton, seconded by Cllr Muller, that a budget of £500 be set aside for the refreshments. Unanimously agreed. The drinks will be purchased on a ‘sale or return’ basis.
13. To receive an update on the Albury Arts and Crafts Show
The Arts and Crafts show was a great success. £750 of the money raised has been donated to the parish council to put towards the purchase of a village defibrillator. The parish council would like to thank Pam Blevins, Brigitte Webster and everyone else involved in the organisation of the event. Thank you also to Cllr Muller, Cllr Waples, Pam Blevins, Brigitte Webster, Akasha Wellness and The Catherine Wheel for donating prizes for the raffle.
14. To discuss the arrangement of a coffee morning for the Albury 60 Plus group
The 60 plus group team have suggested that a buffet lunch at 12 noon might suit the group better. The clerk is to approach the Catherine Wheel for a quote. APC will publicise the event to hopefully encourage new members to join the group.
15. To discuss the possibility of APC contributing towards the cost of new fire doors at the village hall
The councillors agreed that they would consider match funding the amount raised by the village hall committee.
16. Discuss transparency funding application to cover the cost of website maintenance, new printer etc
The councillors agreed that the clerk should submit a funding application for these costs.
17. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 12th January 20156 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Defibrillator, village hall fire doors, precept