Minutes June 2020

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 2nd June 2020 at 7 pm via zoom

Present: Councillors Kent, Jolly, Davis, and Hoyes
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15 pm

1. To elect the chair for the year 2020 to 2021
2. To elect the vicechair for the year 2020 to 2021
3. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from councillors Clayden and Muller
4. To receive declarations of interest
5. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
6. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be reported in specific agenda points.
7. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
8. To consider planning applications
9. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 4/2/2020 £12,483.64
Receipts: Precept £4,000.00
VAT refund £1675.23
Payments: agreed 3/3/2020 £75.98
Clerk’s salary £758.55
Litter picker 1 £130.00
Litter picker 2 £130.00
CHBT subs £151.20
HAPTC subs £341.14
Office 354 subs £79.99
A Cooper for verge clearance £174.00
Balance at 3/3/2020 £16,318.09
Plus unpresented cheques £130.00
Balance per bank statements £16,448.01
10. To confirm East Herts Council can arrange playground inspection
Agreed. The clerk will confirm with EHC.
11. To discuss and agree Parish Council insurance renewal for either 1 or 3 years
Community First quoted £247.77 per year for a 3 year renewal and £260.80 for 1 year.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Jolly, to accept the 3 year renewal quote. Unanimously agreed.

12. To agree payments due
J Kent for Zoom fee £14.39, D Muller Designs £478, insurance renewal £260.80, VAT refund donation to Albury Play Space £1675.23 Total: £2428.42
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Kent, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
13. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A resident asked via the village Facebook page if the parish council would consider funding a bench in memory of Ann Newcomb. The councillors think this is a good idea. The clerk will contact her family and friends to discuss this further.
14. To discuss COVID-19 community support currently in place and any further requirements
15. To discuss pesticide restrictions to add to new allotment agreements
It was agreed not to add any.
16. To receive an update of tree works and fence repairs at the village hall
The quotes received for tree works were: £1290 from Peter Sykes & Sons and £1260 from Atkins Arborists. Atkins Arborists can begin the work w/c 15th June so it was agreed to accept their quote.
17. To receive an update of village hall maintenance requirements
Some painting work has been undertaken and the village hall committee are seeking quotes for painting of the main hall and the external walls.
18. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 7th July 2020
Election of chair and vice chair, fencing, hall maintenance

The Chair closed the meeting at 7.55 pm