Meeting Minutes 01.04.2014

Meeting Minutes 01.04.2014


Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 1st April 2014 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall



Abigail Muller, Brigitte Webster, Derek Kendle, Nuala Barrett, Perry Benton, Jane Pettitt (Clerk) 

Members of the public (MOP) present: 9 

1.        Apologies for absence


2.        Declarations of interest


3.        Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th March 2014

The minutes of the previous meeting, having been previously circulated, were agreed as a true record and signed by the chairman.

4.        Councillors Code of Conduct

This was read and duly signed by recently co-opted councillors.

5.        Questions from members of the Public

A MOP reported his concern about speeding traffic through the village and asked if the 30mph speed limit sign on the approach to Albury from the south could be moved to a point further south to be visible to incoming traffic earlier. APC agreed to approach the highways department with regards to the position of the sign and to liaise with local traffic police with regards to spot checks on speeding – AM/PB

A MOP provided copies (for the first time) of letters of support for the play structure at the Catherine Wheel (CW). MOPs asked why APC had taken a neutral stance on the matter of the CW’s planning appeal. APC had previously only heard, in a formal capacity, from people who were opposed to the play structure and had taken a neutral stance. The MOPs requested that APC arrange a public meeting for Albury residents to discuss the matter. APC agreed that in principle they are happy to organise a public meeting, but this would only be a valuable use of people’s time if any subsequent letter sent to the Planning Inspectorate would be taken into consideration. APC agreed that the clerk would contact the Planning Inspectorate and East Herts Planning Department to see if any further submissions, following a public meeting, would be considered.

A MOP asked for details of the A120 Bypass. It was agreed to forward these via email – Clerk

A MOP requested a sewerage update – see point 7. Allotments.

6.        Planning

No applications received or discussed.

7.        Allotments

A MOP requested a sewerage update as the floods continually affect his garden. He was told that the issue is on Thames Water’s ‘Hotspot’ list and that they are still investigating the issue. APC agreed to continually pursue the matter – Clerk / BW

It was agreed to postpone the discussion of new allotment agreements until the next meeting. 

8.        Patmore Heath – talk for residents by Herts &Middlesex Wildlife Trust

It was agreed that the APC will attend a talk by HMWT at Patmore Heath on 25th April at 7pm to glean a better understanding of the work being undertaken. A similar event for residents is to be arranged and suggested dates from HMWT are Friday 23rd  May 7pm or Saturday 24th May at 10.30am – AM

9.        Albury Parish Council Website

A MOP pointed out that the Albury Village website is displaying the previous APC chairman’s name. It was agreed that an update of this and the contact email address would be requested – Clerk

It was agreed that a quote for an Albury Parish Council website should be obtained to display APC information, Standing Orders, agendas and meeting minutes – Clerk 

10.    Finance report from the Finance Officer

DK showed the latest APC business account statement. The balance is £5,253.23.

Confirm Barclays have received change of address and new signatory forms – DK

A set of accounts is to be produced for the next APC meeting – DK

Interest rates discussed again. DK will investigate higher interest rate accounts.

The wayleave cheque was received and banked.

Cheques written and signed at the meeting for clerk to issue:

·         Litter picking – £32

·         Playground refurbishment – £79.96 

·         HAPTC annual subscription – £311.65

Outstanding cheques to be written by DK as soon as a new cheque book is received:

·         BDO for 2013 Audit – £162

·         Playground refurbishment outstanding amount – £20

·         To clerk for filing cabinet – £97.36 

11.    Report from the Clerk

Draft District Plan Consultation meeting will take place on 29th April 7.30pm at Little Hadham Village Hall.

The Audit Pack from BDO and an invoice for the HAPTC annual subscription were passed to the DK. APC still owe BDO for APC 2013 audit.

Filing cabinet ordered. It was agreed Clerk should be reimbursed the sum of £97.36.

The best way to report highway faults is at

The letter agreed via email communication (due to deadline restrictions) was sent to the Planning Inspectorate on 13th April 2014, stating that APC have adopted a neutral stance with regards to the CW’s current planning appeal.

Our local MP forwarded the following information: A Lloyds Bank Community Fund may support good causes in local communities. For details please see 

12.    Standing orders

It was agreed that new Standing Orders should be put in place. HAPTC model Standing Orders are to be circulated to the councillors for review and amendment in readiness for agreement at the next meeting – Clerk

13.    Catherine Wheel (CW) – communications from the public

Copies of emails from MOPs who previously requested APC submit a letter to the Planning Inspectorate were reviewed. No further action required.

14.    A120 Bypass

It was agreed that APC will ask a representative to come and discuss the A120 proposed route and that Standon and Furneux Pelham parish councils will be invited to attend – AM 

15.    District Plan

BW and NB passed the District Plan information packs to DK and AM to read. Further discussion is to be arranged.

Attendance of the Draft District Plan Consultation at Little Hadham village hall on 29th April at 7.30pm was discussed. DK agreed to attend this. 

16.    Notice boards refurbishment

The clerk stated that the cost of new backing board has been estimated at £25. It was agreed a written quote will be sought from the estimator for total refurbishment costs and this will be circulated to the councillors – clerk



17.    Councillors responses to APC related communications

It was agreed that councillors will respond to emails requiring a response within 48 hours unless stated otherwise.

18.    AOB

AM and the clerk agreed to take photos of road signage in the village that needs attention and to forward these to the Highway Locality Officer.

19.    Next PC meeting date and time

Tuesday 6th May 2014, 7.15pm at the village hall. AM will be absent from this meeting

The chairman closed the meeting at 9:20pm


Signed…………………………………..                   Date………………………..


Brigitte Webster (Vice Chairman)