Meeting Minutes 06.05.2014
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Brigitte Webster, Nuala Barrett, Perry Benton, Jane Pettitt (Clerk)
Members of the public (MOP) present: 1
The vice chairman opened the meeting at 19:20
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr Muller (chairman), Cllr Kendle
2. Other councillor absences
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of previous Parish Council Meeting – 1st April 2014
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been previously circulated, were agreed as a true record and signed by the vice chairman
5. New Model Standing Orders
New Model Standing Orders were circulated prior to the meeting. It was resolved to adopt these. Proposed Cllr Webster, Seconded Cllr Benton
6. New Financial Regulations
Postponed to next agenda
7. Notification of urgent business not included in the Agenda
Meeting to be suspended at 19:30 for:
8. Questions from Members of the Public (limited to 15 minutes)
The MOP stated that he believes storm water is the main cause of flooding at the Clapgate pumping station at the allotments. Councillors responded that any flooding of this nature should be reported immediately to Thames Water on 0845 9200 800 (see point 11). The MOP asked for a key to the allotment gate. The clerk is to request one from Thames Water. The MOP asked if the allotment agreements are going to change. He was told the agreements are to be updated but there will be no difference in the terms. The MOP reminded the council that his invoice for hiring a digger to clear allotment plots (plus the cost of the diesel) is still outstanding. The Clerk is to locate this invoice, or obtain another copy, so that the payment of it can be agreed.
Meeting resumed at 19:45
9. Planning applications received
3/14/0390/FP |
Clapgate House, Albury, SG11 2JS. Engineering works to include new access, hardstanding and formation of retaining wall No Objection |
3/14/0445/FP |
Alma Cottage, Albury, SG11 2AG. Proposed oak framed garage/cartlodge No Objection |
3/14/0601/FP |
Upwick House, Upwick Green, Albury, SG11 2LA. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Removal of single storey courtyard annexe and replacement with single storey building for use as garden room (habitable use) No Objection |
APC would like to remind residents that any comments they wish to make regarding planning applications should be made to East Herts Planning department
10. Allotments update
No flooding has been reported since February. Affinity Water has been contacted re: water supply but haven’t responded yet. Councillors discussed who would pay the water bills and one councillor stated this was the reason a water supply has not previously been provided. It was agreed to postpone further discussion about the water supply until a response is received from Affinity Water
11. Thames Water
Thames Water has asked that any flooding at the Clapgate Pumping Station be reported immediately by calling 0845 9200 800. It was resolved that a letter to this effect, previously circulated, should be sent to allotment holders and Bourne residents whose properties back onto the allotments. Proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Barrett
12. Speeding through the village
Cllr Benton has spoken to PCSO Amanda Higham about a Drive Safe campaign. This will require the assistance of local volunteers. Forms to implement this have been requested and an update will follow once they have been received
13. Patmore Heath
The Councillors walk and talk with Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust was informative. Another has been arranged for residents on 23rd May 2014 at 7pm. It was resolved that the clerk should put up posters advertising this. Proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Barrett
14. Parish Council Website
Discussion postponed to future agenda
15. Financial Report
Prior to the meeting Cllr Kendle stepped down as FO and verbally resigned as a councillor. Financial information was not made available for this meeting. It was resolved that the clerk and Cllr Benton will collect the financial documentation from Cllr Kendle and prepare a report for the next meeting, and that the current Barclays Bank mandates be amended to add all current councillors and the clerk as authorised signatories, to remove all unauthorised signatories and to change the correspondence address to the clerk’s address. Proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Benton
16. Correspondence
(i) Invoice for notice board refurbishment received – £70
(ii) Society of Local Council Clerks membership renewal notice for 1st June – £116
(iii) Letter from Little Hadham resident to Albury residents re: A120 bypass routes
(iv) Staples invoice – confirmation of payment received for filing cabinet
(v) HCC Waste Development Framework – Examination of the Waste site Allocations Document, update published at
(vi) EH Draft District Plan Preferred Options Consultation Summary Leaflets
(vii) Email from Planning Inspectorate stating no further comments can be accepted regarding the Catherine Wheel planning appeal
(viii) EHDC – European Elections 22.5.2014
(ix) CPRE – April newsletter
(x) Public Rights of Way – Parish update
17. Draft District Plan
Update from Cllr Kendle not available due to his absence
18. Notice Boards refurbishment
Payment of invoice postponed until bank mandates amended
19. Playground
Payment of outstanding £20 postponed until bank mandates amended
20. Councillor and clerk training
It was resolved that the training sessions, previously circulated, be booked, total cost £315. Proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Benton
21. Parsonage Lane Pumping station
Thames Water has agreed to fix the broken fence surrounding this. Clerk to chase.
22. A120 maps and letters from Little Hadham resident
Having been previously circulated, it was resolved to publish the letter intended for Albury residents on Facebook and the parish notice boards, inviting people to contact the clerk for further information. Proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Benton
23. Dog fouling
Prior to the meeting the clerk arranged for an Environmental Inspector to visit the village. Further discussions will be arranged after this inspection. It was resolved that the ‘Please pick up’ stickers, previously circulated, be ordered to place around the village, at a cost of £19.98. Proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Barrett
24. Finance Officer
Discussion re: replacement FO postponed to next agenda
25. Items for future agenda
As mentioned in previous points
26. AOB
27. Next meeting date:
The Annual Parish Council Meeting Thurs 29th May 7.15pm
followed by
The Annual Parish Meeting Thurs 29th May at approximately 8pm
Both at the village hall
The vice chairman closed the meeting closed at 20:35
Signed………………………………….. Date………………………..
Abigail Muller (Chairman)