Meeting minutes 02.05.2017

Meeting minutes 02.05.2017

Minutes of the annual meeting held Tuesday 2nd May 2017, 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Clayden-Smith, Cllr Murdoch, Cllr Walne and Cllr Waples.
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), and 1 member of the public (MOP).

The vice-chairman opened the meeting at 7:25 pm

1. To elect a chairman for the year 3017/18 and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved, proposed Cllr Clayden-Smith, seconded by Cllr Murdoch to appoint Cllr Benton as Chairman for the year 2017/18. Unanimously agreed.
Councillor Benton was not present at this meeting. He will be asked to sign the declaration of acceptance of office at the next meeting.
2. To elect a vice-chairman for the year 2017/18 and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved, proposed Cllr Waples, seconded Cllr Walne to appoint Cllr Murdoch as Vice-Chairman for the year 2017/18. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Murdoch signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
3. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Benton.
4. To receive declarations of interest. Cllr Murdoch declared an interest in point 8.
5. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4th April 2017. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the vice-chairman. Unanimously agreed.
6. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
A new printer has been purchased @£44.98.
7. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
Mrs Webb confirmed she will be attending a community transport conference on 19th May to enquire about funding for a community bus. Mrs Webb is also helping to set up a 50+ exercise at the village hall which will be held each Monday from 11am til 12 noon. All proceeds will go towards the costs of running the village hall. The clerk mentioned that the village hall committee are organising a table top sale at the hall on 3rd June from 11 til 1pm. Mrs Webb will be helping to organise an afternoon tea at the hall on 4th June to raise funds for St Mary’s Churchyard.
8. To consider planning applications
3/17/0797/HH. Single storey side/rear extension at South Cottage, Clapgate, Albury.
No comment.
9. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 3/4/17 £33,251.63
Income: Precept £3,450.00
Outgoings: As agreed 4/4/17 £5,379.72    
Balance at 2/5/17 £31,321.19
10. To sign off the annual return and accounts previously circulated
Resolved, proposed Cllr Murdoch, seconded Cllr Clayden-Smith that the annual return be signed. Unanimously agreed.
11. To consider the insurance renewal quote
The quote is £224.59. Resolved, proposed Cllr Waples, seconded Cllr Walne that the insurance be renewed with Community First @ £224.59. Unanimously agreed.
12. To consider the SLCC renewal quote
The clerk told the councillors that she has never contacted SLCC or made use of any service offered by them. It was agreed that membership should not be renewed.
13. To agree payments due
APC Insurance £224.59, Chocolate Eggs £152, Printer £44.98, Plants £46.95. Total £468.52
Resolved, proposed Cllr Waples, seconded Cllr Clayden-Smith that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
14. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Leftover eggs from the Easter Egg hunt were sold to raise £30. This was used to buy the village hall a first aid kit and accident record book.
A donation has been received from Mr and Mrs Moase to put towards the purchase of a second defibrillator.
15. To review Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
These were reviewed and no changes made. Cllr Waples signed the financial regulations as she had not been present at the meeting when these were previously updated.
16. To discuss and agree a budget for a new parish council laptop
Resolved, proposed Cllr Murdoch, seconded Cllr Clayden-Smith that the clerk should purchase a new laptop up to a cost of £500. Unanimously agreed.
17. To discuss the progress of the traditional village sign project
Highways recommended that APC apply for planning permission before they survey the site. The clerk agreed to forward the title deed information to Cllr Waples. The councillors discussed that the cost of a sign and installation could amount to £5,000. Cllr Waples agreed to ask the design company she previously contacted for quotes.
18. To receive an update of the Albury walks leaflet
The leaflet is with the printers. There will be an article about it in Hertfordshire Life in June. APC will organise a walk from the leaflet on Sunday 9th July.
19. To receive a playground funding update
20. To discuss the progress of changing to a WordPress website
Cllr Clayden-Smith suggested that he maintain the current website rather that replacing it with a WordPress site. The clerk agreed to ask the designer for the relevant access.
21. To discuss the second defibrillator installation and a defibrillator training date
The defibrillator has been paid for and is on order. Once it is in place a date will be confirmed for training.
22. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 7th June 2016 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Walks leaflet and walk on Sunday 9th July, Playground funding, Defibrillator training date, Village signpost, Gigaclear, parish council vacancy