Meeting Minutes 03.06.2014

Meeting Minutes 03.06.2014


Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall



Abigail Muller (chairman), Nuala Barrett, Perry Benton, Jane Pettitt (Clerk)

Members of the public (MOP) present: 2

The chairman opened the meeting at 19:20

1.      Apologies for absence. Cllr Webster

2.      Other councillor absences. None

3.      Declarations of interest. None

4.      Minutes of Parish Council Annual meeting and Annual Parish meeting of 29th May

The minutes of the previous meeting, having been previously circulated, were agreed as a true record and signed by the chairman

5.      Notification of urgent business not included in the agenda. None.

6.      Sign new Councillor’s Code of Conduct

Proposal: To sign the new Code of Conduct circulated prior to the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Barrett. Agreed and resolved unanimously.

Meeting suspended at 19:25 for:

7.      Questions from Members of the Public (limited to 15 minutes)

An MOP reported that garden waste is being dumped behind the garages at The Bourne. They asked if APC could post a notice in the Albury Newsletter. APC agreed to make this request to the newsletter editor. An MOP said there was a further sewage flooding incident at the Clapgate pumping station on 22/5/14 which he reported to Thames Water (TW). They sent someone to inspect it, who signed it off as requiring no further action. After a further complaint TW performed a cleanup of the area on the 23/5/14. APC agreed to write to Thames Water again regarding sewage flooding. An MOP presented APC with an invoice for £250 for the hire of a digger to clear several allotments last year, and a receipt for £14 for weed killer. APC agreed to add these to the next agenda for consideration.

Meeting resumed at 19:40

8.      Planning applications received




Clapgate House, Albury, SG11 2JS. Engineering works to include new access, hardstanding and formation of retaining wall.

No Objection from APC


Awating decision

Upwick House, Upwick Green, Albury, SG11 2LA. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Removal of single storey courtyard annexe and replacement with single storey building for use as garden room (habitable use).

No Objection from APC

9.      Report from the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

Balances at 30/05/14

Community a/c                 £23088.40

Business Premium a/c         £5254.53

Total                              £28342.93

Expenditure                         £203.52       Indemnity insurance

                                                  £70.00       Notice board refurbishment

                                                  £19.98       Francis Carne for ‘Pick Up Stickers’

                                                  £76.00       SLCC annual subscription

                                                  £14.00       Extra Newsletter pages

Available balance            £27959.43

The internal audit is to commence once missing bank statements arrive.

10.  Clerks report/correspondence

30/5/14 – Barclays confirmed the mandate change has been completed and all missing bank statements are to be posted to the clerk.

30/5/14 – Community First confirmed APC’s Indemnity Insurance has been renewed.

30/5/14 – TW are posting the clerk a key to the gate at Clapgate pumping station.

30/5/14 – TW updated us that Parsonage Lane pumping station fence repairs are still to be scheduled, a further update is due 11/6/14

3/6/14 – Email from Oliver Heald regarding APC question about fibre optic broadband for Rural Herts. An announcement is due from The County Council soon.

11.  New allotments agreement. Postponed to next agenda.

12.  30 mile speed limit sign on approach to Albury from the south.

Cllr Muller to chase the progress of the request to Herts Highways to move it’s position.

13.  Parsonage Lane pumping station.

TW have yet to schedule repairs to the fence and will provide a further update on 11/6/14

14.  Patmore Heath – update after Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust (HMWT) talk.

Cllr Muller is to ask if APC can have a copy of HMWTs long term management plan.

15.  A120 bypass – update regarding talk from representative.

Standon were going to arrange this and invite Albury. Cllr Muller to request an update.

16.  Draft District Plan. Comments had to be in by 22nd May so no further action required.

17.  Website update. Postponed to next agenda.

18.  Speeding through the village. Cllr Benton has applied for a DriveSafe campaign. This requires at least 10 signatures on a petition. If Albury are eligible for the campaign we will need at least 3 volunteers on the day of the campaign.

19.  Poppy seeds for allotment garden.

To commemorate the Centenary of World War One on 4th August APC thought of planting poppies on a vacant allotment. An MOP raised a concern that the seeds would spread to other allotments so this idea has been put on hold while alternative ways to commemorate the day are sought.

20.  Postcards – agree to print cards of a sketch of the church

100 cards will cost £34.50 and 100 envelopes £2.70. It was agreed to print the cards but that the sample card is too flimsy. A quote on thicker card is to be sought by the clerk.

21.  AOB

Herts County Council are to contact the owner of an abandoned car in the village hall car park and arrange its removal. Extra newsletter pages are needed this month to print these minutes plus the minutes of the two annual meeting held on 29th May. Proposal: To pay £14 for extra pages. Proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Barrett. Agreed and resolved unanimously.

It was proposed that APC purchase dog waste bags and dispensers. Proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Barrett. Agreed and resolved unanimously.

Next meeting date: Tuesday 1st July 2014, 7.15pm, at the village hall

The chairman closed the meeting at 20:30


Signed…………………………………..                   Date………………………..



Abigail Muller  (Chairman)