Meeting Minutes 05.11.2013
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 5th November 2013 at 19.00 hrs at the Village Hall
Those present: Derek Kendle, Brigitte Webster, Abigail Muller & Mandy Hutley (Clerk)
Members of the public: Mr J Donaldson, Mr R. Smith, Mrs M Willett, Mrs N. Espinasse and Det. Sgt. P. Benton
1. Apologies for absence: None
2. Notification of urgent business not included in the Agenda – none
3. Albury website:
Jez Donaldson requested that the total annual renewals fee for the website, be paid by the Parish Council. This was agreed; the sum being £144.52. The Facebook page has proved successful with many in the community but it was felt that the website still has a part to play, especially when people are researching the village, with a view to moving here. An estimate will be obtained for a full review of the content and a decision made on cost versus perceived benefit next year.
4. Minutes of the Annual PC Meeting held on Tuesday 1st October, 2013: Resolved: that the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 1st October, 2013, be signed as a true record.
5. Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 1st October, 2013: These Minutes will be reviewed at the next Annual Parish Meeting.
6. Declarations of interest: None
7. Questions from members of the Public: – see item 10
8. Report from Clerk:
Barclays Bank is now sending mail for the Parochial charities’ accounts to the correct address.
The bags of road salt have been delivered and will be distributed as requested.
Payment of the Membership fee or a donation to Stop Stansted Expansion and joining the Community Development Agency will be reviewed at the next meeting – DK
An email giving full details of the new blue recycling bins will be put on Facebook – AM
There are road repairs scheduled to be carried out in Barncroft within the next 6 months. Details will be published when known – AM
There have been some revisions to the way councils official “Standing Orders” should be complied. Albury’s current provision will be reviewed after initial investigation – AM
9. Report from Finance Officer:
The Responsible Finance officer reported that the main bank accounts had balances of approximately £21,000 and £5,000.
New mandates will be obtained for the two accounts due to the changes of personnel within the Council – DK
10. Allotments update:
The continuing clearance work was discussed and Mr Smith offered to load a skip with the debris. The Chairman thanked Mr Smith for clearing Plot 10 and it was agreed that he can take on the tenancy of this plot.
Mr Smith asked whether it would be possible for Thames Water to provide a key for access to the Allotments through their part of the site. He is prepared to act as the keyholder. Derek Kendle said he would enquire – DK
It was agreed that a consultation document, including an engineer’s report, will need to be prepared for the provision of water to the site. Ringway and Groundwork Herts may be able to offer assistance in this regard – BW
The Allotment annual Tenancy Agreement, that all tenants are required to sign, is to be reviewed and possibly updated – BW/AM
Mr Smith and Mr Finch (MOP) are compiling a record of any further flooding incidents on the site and this will be sent to Environmental Health and Thames Water – BW
Mr Hoy (MOP) requested to re-tenant Plot 7. It was agreed that tenancy would be granted, as long as a new agreement is signed – DK
Derek Kendle advised that the reptile population is no longer in evidence and that the remainder of the site can now be cleared.
11. Planning Applications:
The appeal against alterations of the play equipment at the Catherine Wheel has been refused. A time limit of 5 months has been stipulated for the height reduction of the towers.
12. Parish Council Vacancies:
Notices from the Returning Officer EHC, will be posted on the notice boards from 7th – 27th November, advertising the vacancies and explaining how an election will be called, if requested by ten Parishioners.
Two potential candidates – Nuala Espinasse and Perry Benton attended the meeting and introduced themselves. Nuala is a Lawyer and Perry a Detective Sergeant in the Metropolitan Police Force. Both live in Albury and would welcome the opportunity to be more involved in the community.
Abigail Muller has prepared a job description for the Clerk’s post. Other local Clerks will be approached and there will be an advertisment in the Newletter and the school newsletter.
13. AOB – It was agreed that:
The PC should have two village hall key holders. A further set of keys will be cut.
Councillors’ responsibilities will be reassigned once the vacancies are filled.
Parishioners will be canvassed re expanding the choice of additional playground equipment – AM
The new Drive-safe campaign may be implemented, particularly at Albury End and will be discussed at the next meeting. Perry Benton offered his assistance.
It was noted that despite best intentions, refurbishment of the notice boards remains incomplete. This will be discussed next time – AM Development of some branding for the Parish Council was proposed for the coming year; for stationary, Facebook, the website and the publication of any Council material – AM
14. Next Meeting date:
The next Meeting will take place Tuesday 4th February, 2014, after the Winter break at the Village Hall, commencing at 19.00 hrs.