Meeting Minutes 02.09.2014
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 2nd September 2014 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr N Barrett, Cllr P Benton, Cllr A Muller (chairman), Cllr T Walne, Cllr B Webster
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), PCSO A. Higham and 4 members of the public
The chairman opened the meeting at 19:25
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence. None.
2. To receive declarations of interest. Cllr Muller declared that as her husband has quoted for the website update she would leave the room for the discussion at agenda point 10.
3. To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on 1st July 2014
Resolved that these Minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings
and be duly signed by the Chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The clerk spoke to the East Herts Council Tree Preservation Officer who confirmed tree roots are damaged if ploughed over. He will advise us of the size of a suitable perimeter fence for ‘The Coronation Oak’ in Cow Pasture.
The clerk contacted The Countryside Access Officer who inspected the path behind the allotments and village hall and said it is easily passable, and that overhanging vegetation is the responsibility of the landowner.
5. Chairman’s announcements (for information only). None
6. To receive petitions comments and questions from the public
Our PCSO informed us that between 1st January 2014 and 1st September 2014 there have been 6 recorded crimes in Albury. Two of these occurred in April, 2 in June and 2 in July, of which 4 were burglaries and 2 were thefts. She said we can expect more patrols between now and Christmas and that heating oil is a likely target for thieves. OWL Messaging will be used to circulate crime prevention advice.
A Bourne resident reported that sewage is still overflowing on a regular basis from Clapgate Pumping Station. The clerk made a note of his case numbers in order to escalate the problem again with Thames Water and Environmental Health.
A Patmore Heath resident asked if the chairman had spoken to HMWT about their near future management plans and she confirmed that she had and that HMWT will only manage trees presenting a danger until further discussions have taken place. He asked if residents of Patmore Heath could receive information from HMWT about their management plans. This request will be passed on. He stated that legal requirements of Patmore Heath management fall under the responsibility of the SSSI and not the Higher Level Stewardship scheme and asked if a subsidy was received by the council or HMWT under the Higher Level Stewardship scheme. The chairman confirmed that APC does not receive such a subsidy and that they will make enquiries as to whether or not HMWT do. The chairman asked if the Patmore Heath survey results could be forwarded to HMWT and the resident agreed that they could.
A second Patmore Heath resident asked what the current percentage of tree coverage of Patmore Heath is. This question will be forwarded to HMWT.
The executor of the late Olga Caton’s estate told the council that part of her estate includes a derelict building on Itch Lane at the edge of Patmore Heath, possibly known locally as Olga Caton’s Chapel. It stands on a plot of about an acre and is adjacent to a field of about 4 acres, which is also part of Olga’s estate. He asked about gaining permission for vehicular access to the site and if the Parish Council were interested in purchasing it as a community asset for restoration, or if they had any other ideas for it’s future.
7. To consider planning applications listed below and those received between 27th August 2014 and 2nd September 2014
3/14/1182/FP Ashleigh, Patmore Heath, Albury
Creation of first floor including 8 No. dormer windows & front porch.
No comment
3/14/1216/FP Lilac Tree Cottage, Patmore Heath, Albury
Detached garden room/store, removal of greenhouse.
No comment
3/14/1388/CL 1 Mansfield Cottages, Clapgate, Albury
Use of land for siting a mobile home to be used as granny annex.
No comment
8. To receive and discuss updates of HMWT’s management plans for Patmore Heath
There are no updates. HMWT and Natural England are yet to meet.
9. To discuss the new Allotment Agreement which to date only 2 of the 6 tenants have signed and returned
The council discussed the new allotment agreements with 2 of the tenants and agreed to amend some of the wording. The clerk will circulate the amended agreements for signing.
10. To discuss the quotes received for updating the current Albury Village website and make a decision on whether to proceed with any
The councillors considered the quotes from D Muller and Premier and all preferred the first.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Walne, seconded by Cllr Benton that D Muller should undertake with the agreed changes to the website. Unanimously agreed.
11. To receive an update of the proposed DriveSafe campaign
Cllr Benton has been vetted by Herts Police and the campaign planning is progressing.
12. To review the Playground Inspection report
The report highlighted nothing that requires urgent attention.
A survey is to be conducted, via Facebook and the Albury Newsletter, to establish what new equipment could be installed at the playground should a funding application be successful.
13. To discuss which ‘Dog Fouling’ posters to display and any further ideas to combat the problem of dog fouling around the village
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Barrett that the council report all dog fouling incidents to East Herts Council. Unanimously agreed.
The clerk is to display posters designed by the local school children at the problem areas.
14. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 1st July £29334.31
Income: Wayleave £29.90+
New housing bonus grant £480.00+
Outgoings: agreed 1st July 2014 £1541.70-
Balance at 31/08/14 £28302.51
15. To agree payments due
Playground Inspection £55.86
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Webster that the payment should be made. Unanimously agreed.
16. To agree payment of £14 for extra Albury Newsletter pages in any month necessary
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Benton that £14.00 be paid to Albury Newsletter Trust in any month where the Council have extra minutes or notices to publish. Unanimously agreed.
17. To discuss if it would be beneficial for the clerk to take the Certificate in Local Council Administration @ £470
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Webster that the clerk take this certificate. Unanimously agreed.
18. To receive the Clerks report (for information only)
The executor of Olga Caton’s estate contacted the parish council about a derelict building at Patmore Heath which is part of her estate.
Letter from R. Crafter re: new allotment agreement.
Communication from R. Crafter re: invoicing for repairs to playground fence. An invoice is yet to be received.
East Herts project manager for the A120 bypass scheme requested meeting with APC.
Received invite to East Herts Rural Parish Conference.
VAT refund of £1016.99 applied for.
Received results of the Patmore Heath Survey.
19. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting date: Tuesday 7th October 2014, 7.15pm at the village hall
Discuss Albury Charities.
The chairman closed the meeting at 9:30
Signed………………………………….. Date………………………..
Abigail Muller (Chairman)