Minutes of the meeting held Monday 8th July 2019 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Davis, Kent and Walne
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 5 members of the public
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.20 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Monday 8th April and Tuesday 14th May 2019.
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be reported in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications.
APPLICATION: 3/19/1375/PNHH PROPOSAL: Single storey rear extension: Depth 4.3 metres, Maximum height 3.5 metres, Eaves height 2.6 metres. AT: 7 Parsonage Lane Albury. No comments.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 14/5/19 £14,902.99
Outgoings: As agreed 14/5/19 £4,292.80
Sign installation £485.00
Income: VAT refund £1,818.31
Interest £5.59
Albury Playspace £8,415.00
Balance at 8/7/19 £20,364.09
8. To agree clerk’s salary adjustment
Salary increases for clerk and RFO awarded on April 2016 and 2017 were not applied. This means £114.66 of backpay is due. The clerk and RFO hourly rate as of 1st April this year is £11.67 and so the quarterly payment due on 30th June is £758.55
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Kent, that the backpay due is awarded to the clerk and the new hourly rate of £11.67 is adopted. Unanimously agreed.
9. To agree payment of any playground invoices received by 8th July
An invoice for the balance of £8,910 has been received. Albury Playspace has forwarded £8,415 towards this and the difference of £495 is to be paid from the VAT reclaimed from the deposit invoice.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Davis that the invoice be paid. Unanimously agreed.
10. To agree payments due
HAPTC councillor training £140, internal audit £120, J Kent for leavers gift £22.99, Litter picker 1 £130, Litter picker 2 £130, clerk/RFO salary and backpay £873.21, Playground invoice balance £8,910.00. CHBT 120.00 Total £10,446.20
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Davis, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
11. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A VAT reclaim was submitted on 21st May and a refund of £1,818.31 has been received.
12. To hear from any residents interested in filling the parish councillor vacancies and to co-opt any new members
Three Albury residents offered their services as parish councillors.
Abigail Muller has previously been a parish councillor and chair for Albury. Maggie Vicary has lived in the village for many years. George Hoyes moved here several years ago.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent seconded Councillor Walne, that Abigail Muller is co-opted as a parish councillor for Albury. Unanimously agreed.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Walne, seconded Councillor Davis, that Maggie Vicary is co-opted as a parish councillor for Albury. Unanimously agreed.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Kent, that George Hoyes is co-opted as a parish councillor for Albury. Unanimously agreed.
The new councillors signed acceptance of office forms
13. To agree the purchase of a tree in memory of Catherine Hibberd
It was agreed to plant a flowering cherry known as Prunus Catherine. The family would like the tree placed near to the village hall playground and asked if it is possible to plant it before the end of June. The clerk agreed to phone the company to purchase the tree and arrange delivery. Councillors Kent and Davis agreed to organise the installation of a low fence around the tree to protect it. The parish council will also order a memorial plaque to attach to the fence.
14. To discuss the new village sign and the finishing of the area around its base
Councillor Kent has created a wooden surround and Ray Murdoch has planted geraniums.
15. To discuss the playground refurbishment and playground committee
Kate from the playground committee took the councillors out to view the playground and they all agreed that it looks fantastic and want to thank the committee for their hard work. Kate told the parish council that the committee are beginning fundraising for the next phase. The clerk agreed to put the committee in touch with the team who organise the Albury Santa every year as they want to use the funds they have raised to purchase playground equipment.
16. To discuss the progress of the mandate change request
This was submitted to Barclays in Bishop’s Stortford on Tuesday 4th June and is now completed. Councillors Walne, Ken and Davis are now signatories.
17. To discuss the requirement for a parish plan
The councillors are to look at the HAPTC template parish plan and discuss this further at the meeting in September.
18. To discuss the condition of the allotment gardens
One plot is due to be tidied by the tenant. He has requested permission to burn waste from the plot. This has been granted as long as it’s lit on a day when the wind is not blowing towards The Bourne.
19. To consider what actions the parish council can take in response to recent reports of increased crime
To get a full picture of the current situation, it was agreed to invite our local community police officer to the next meeting to provide an update.
20. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Playground update, Catherine’s tree, Example Parish Plan. Invite community pc to talk about local crime figures, regular village maintenance schedule, A120 works, mandate change progress, parochial church charities, July 200 Club draw
The Chair closed the meeting at 9 pm