Minutes of Annual Meeting May 2019

Minutes of the annual meeting held Tuesday 14th May, 2019 at 7 pm at the Village Hall

Present: Councillors Davis, Kent and Walne
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk)

The councillors must accept their new term of office and elect a chair and vice-chair before the meeting opens

1. To complete declarations of acceptance of office of parish councillor
The three councillors duly signed the forms.
2. To elect a chair for the year 2019/20 and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved, proposed Cllr Walne, seconded Cllr Davis, to elect Councillor Jeremy Kent as Chair. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Kent signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
3. To elect a vice-chair for the year 2019/20 and sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved, proposed Cllr Walne, seconded Cllr Kent, to elect Councillor Norman Davis as Vice-chair. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Davis signed the declaration of acceptance of office.

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.05 pm

4. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
5. To receive declarations of interest. None.
6. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Monday 8th April 2019.
Postponed as the minutes were not printed.
7. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
These will be reported in agenda points.
8. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
Councillor Davis passed on a comment from a resident regarding the condition of an allotment plot. The clerk agreed to find out what was happening with it.
9. To consider planning applications.
10. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 8/4/19 £12,516.90
Outgoings: As agreed 5/3/19 £1,461.66
Bank charges 4/4/19 £7.74
Easter Eggs 13/4/19 £147.90
MS Office 365 subs 13/1/19 £79.99
Playground equipment 23/4/19 £2,970.00
Bank charges 9/5/19 £7.74
Income: Wayleave £91.12
Precept £4,000.00
From Albury Playspace £2,970.00
Balance at 14/5/19 £14,902.99
A new mandate change form was signed to remove old signatories and add the current councillors.
11. To Sign the Annual Return and accounts previously circulated
Expenditure for the financial year exceeded £25,000 so Albury Parish Council is not exempt from an external audit.
The councillors reviewed the annual accounts and sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return part 3 (AGAR3) all circulated via email prior to the meeting.
The clerk suggested Paul Chapman of Magi Associates as the internal auditor.
He is available to audit the accounts on 29th May. The public rights period can then begin Monday 10th June and end Friday 17th July.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Kent, seconded Cllr Davis, to approve:
the annual accounts,
sections 1 and 2 of AGAR3,
Paul Chapman as internal auditor,
the public rights period of 10th June to 19th July.
Unanimously agreed.
12. To consider the insurance renewal quote
The quote is the same as last year at £260.80
Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Walne, to renew the insurance with Community First. Unanimously agreed.
13. To agree payments due
Village signpost £4010.00, Community First Insurance £260.80, Clerk for printer ink £22.00 Total £4,292.80
Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Walne, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
14. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A resident asked if we had any information regarding the moved garden fence along the Albury Road.
15. To discuss the progress of the traditional village sign project and agree installation costs
The signpost is due to arrive during this week. The installation will cost £485 including equipment hire and cement.
16. To discuss the three vacancies in the office of parish councillor and hear from any interested parties
No-one has expressed an interest. The clerk agreed to place an advert in the Albury Newsletter. The clerk and councillors agreed to ask residents if they are interested.
17. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 4th June 2019 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Village sign project, playground update plus councillor involvement, Catherine’s tree, Parish Plan. New councillors, VAT reclaim, mandate change progress.