Minutes October 2023

Minutes of the meeting held 3rd October 2023, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Jolly, Kelly, Klimowicz, Lehmann, Pope and Sargisson.
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (clerk), Councillor Geoff Williamson and 3 members of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 7:20pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence. None
2. To receive declarations of interest. None
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th September 2023
Resolved, the councillors agreed the minutes are a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The clerk contacted Thames Water to inform them that a member of the public had been seen using a pneumatic drill in the vicinity of the pumping station at Clapgate.
Forwarding of complaints to Clarion Housing (see item 10)
Examining land boundaries and ownership of land behind the Bourne bungalows (see item 11)
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
An MOP raised concerns about the number of football matches being played at the Dole Field at weekends and cars parking on the old cricket pitch. The chair said these concerns should be raised with the trustees of the field.
An MOP associated with the football club said it is playing at the Dole Field with the trustees’ permission in return for maintaining the football pitch and refurbishing the vandalised clubhouse, and that no football match limit had been imposed.
Councillor Geoff Williamson said he has investigated public concerns that work has begun at Wickham Hall with regard to the solar farm. He found it has not, and stated that planning consent is yet to be granted. He has said he has been asked to participate in deciding whether or not the Dole Field Trust should be given 100% rate relief.
6. To consider planning applications.
APPLICATION: 3/23/1787/LBC PROPOSAL: Single storey side extension AT: Elm Cottage Gravesend Albury. No comment
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 5/9/2023                   £8844.14
Payments: 7/9/23  Land registry plans             £6.00
7/9/23  Land registry plans            £6.00
7/9/23  Citizens’ Advice East Herts          £200.00
2/10/23 E-scapes Landscaped       £200.00
2/10/23 Litter picking Q2       £130.00
2/10/23 Clerk’s salary Q2       £1018.55
Receipts:       29/9/23 Precept                  £5000.00
Available balance at 3/10/2023                    £12283.59
8. To agree payments due. EHC for play area inspection £63.78
Resolved, proposed Cllr Klimowicz, seconded Cllr Kelly, that that this amount be paid to EHC. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Citizens’ Advice East Herts sent a note of thanks for our donation of £200.
Graham MacAndrew advised us that the groundwork adjacent to the Albury Road bridge over the A120 bypass is being carried out to clear the surface soil of rubble left over after the bridge build. Work should be completed by the end of October.
10. To discuss communications with Clarion Housing regarding issues at The Bourne
The clerk sent a detailed email and photographs to Clarion Housing on 8th September. This was acknowledged on 11th September as being forwarded to the relevant team. The clerk has requested an update and is awaiting a response. Action: the clerk is to follow up again with Clarion and also ask Councillor Williamson to provide a contact East Herts Council has.
11. To confirm allotment boundaries and ownership of land behind The Bourne garage block
The clerk was informed that a resident of the Bourne is using land behind their residence to store items. A land registry search has shown some of this is land is Albury parish council land and another piece is East Herts Council land.
Action: the clerk is to write to the resident explaining this and asking them to remove their items.
12. To discuss a quote received for cutting the hedge in the village hall car park
The company who mows the village hall grass areas has quoted £360 to reduce the hedge in height and width and remove all waste. They also offered to tidy the hedges at the edge of the play area within this price. The councillors agreed this was a good price for the work.
Resolved, proposed ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Cllr Kelly, seconded Cllr Klimowicz, to accept this quote. Unanimously agreed.
Action: the clerk will liaise with the company to schedule the work.
13. To confirm our response to The Stansted Airport Draft Noise Action Plan was submitted
Our response was submitted before the deadline and can be viewed at https://alburyvillage.co.uk/category/announcements/
14. To discuss the Parish Council becoming trustees of The Dole Field
After a discussion, it was agreed that legal advice should be sought to understand the full implications of becoming a trustee of land. Councillor Williamson mentioned that the chair of Little Hadham parish council may be able to recommend a solicitor with expertise in this field
Action: the clerk will contact the chair of Little Hadham PC and then obtain a quote.
15. To discuss the progress of reinstating the Albury Parochial Charities
The clerk applied to register the charity with HMRC on 1st September and is awaiting a response – it can take up to 6 weeks to hear.
16. To discuss the progress of a request for funds to improve lighting, security and patios at the village hall
The grant has been confirmed for the village hall improvements. We will also receive the money granted to complete The Dole Field clubhouse refurbishment and will forward this to the Bishops Stortford Community Football Club on receipt.
The security cameras and lights installation at the village hall is in progress. The new awning has been ordered. The patio refurbishment is booked in.
17. To suggest dates for a meeting with HCC, Highways, East Herts Police and other parishes to discuss speeding issues
We have had reports of speeding by school parents and carers, as well as residents.
Action: the clerk will ask the school to send out a reminder of where the 30 MPH zones are and will also post a message for residents on FB and in the newsletter.
18. To discuss information received from the Environment Agency regarding clearance of the River Ash
No response has been received.
19. To discuss the next planned Anthropos Festival at Hixham Hall and actions to take
The next Anthropos Festival is planned for 23rd-27th May 2024. It was noted that tickets are now on sale and again although no exact location is mentioned, but there is a rolling 24 music licence.
Investigations will be continued and action taken to object if necessary.
20. To draw the 200 Club number for September
Number 27 was drawn
21. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 7th November 2023
Parochial Charities update, The Dole Field, parish plan, white railing repairs, river cleaning, sign post clearance schedule, purchase of strimmer, agree donation to Stansted Airport Watch