Minutes July 2023

Minutes of the meeting held 4th July 2023, 7.15 pm at the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Kelly. Klimowicz, Pope and Sargisson.
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 3 members of the public
The chair opened the meeting at 7:20 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from councillors Jolly and Lehmann
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council Annual meeting held on Tuesday 6th June 2023
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications.
APPLICATION: 3/23/0701/FUL PROPOSAL: Extension to existing menage. AT: Walnut Tree Cottage Upwick Green, Albury. No comment
APPLICATION: 3/23/1000/LBC PROPOSAL: Removal of window and reinstatement of door with insertion of external steps. AT: The Nook Upwick Green, Albury. No comment
7. To receive statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 6/6/2023         £13600.29
Payments: Minute book           £100.50
  Outdoor Play UK (play tractor balance)     £2050.80
Clerk’s salary         £1018.55
Litter picking           £130.00
CHBT Village Emergency Telephone subs  £120.00
Available balance at 4/7/2023           £10180.44
8. To agree payments due. None
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To discuss any updates received regarding the Stansted airport flight path changes
Our request for information under the Freedom of Information Act was rejected because there is too much data to provide. Stansted Watch is investigating night flights. The noise monitor is now up and running at Patmore Heath and data can be seen at www.webtrak.com
11. To discuss the progress of updating the Albury Parish Plan
Councillor Kelly is looking at footpaths with Ray Murdoch. Councillor Kelly has created a table of information based on the previous parish plan for councillors to read through. A parish portrait is to be created. Ray offered to scan the original plan to upload to the website. A parish portrait is to be created for residents to comment on. The clerk will ask HMWT for their Patmore Heath management plan.
12. To discuss the status of the Albury Parochial Charities
Councillor Kelly has been looking at the process to amend the objectives of this charity to be inline with the times. Money held at Blackrock in a client account will be withdrawn and reinvested once the signatories have been updated.
13. To discuss the progress of a request for funds to improve lighting, security and patios at the village hall
An update is expected tomorrow. The clerk asked if this year’s fund would give a grant for a memorial garden and was told this would not meet the criteria.
14. To receive an update on the tractor suggested for the play area
The tractor was installed on 22nd June and the balance was paid to Outdoor Play UK. Councillor Jolly is also part of the playground committee and sent a huge thank you to Spencer Hoy and the rest of the Albury Santa team for their yearly fundraising that collected the money to pay for this, to the residents who donated to the Albury Santa fund, to Councillor Kelly for suggesting the tractor and to the clerk for orchestrating the purchase and installation.
15. Discuss applying for a grant for a memorial garden on the first allotment plot
We will apply to the Stansted Airport Community Fund for a grant to help with this.
16. To discuss the condition of the white railings and Herts County Council’s response to our report of their damage and dangerous state
Although the railings over the River Ash have been reported to Highways as dangerous and in need of repair several times, we have had no response at all. An email is to be drafted for approval before being sent to Councillor Graham McAndrew, Councillor Geoff Williamson and Highways stating that the parish councillors are considering taking legal action
17. To discuss how to make Highways and the police take notice and help to resolve speeding problems
The clerk is to make a note of the number of times we have reported speeding issues that have been ignored.
18. To discuss the condition of the river Ash and the need for it to be cleared
Councillor Kelly as emailed the Environment Agency on 17th June 2023 and has no response. She will make a follow-up phone call to chase.
19. To make a list of tasks that could be tackled on a community volunteering day
The memorial garden at the allotment will be a project for 2024 if a grant can be secured.
20. To discuss objecting to the Anthropos festival planned for 2024
The clerk will look for the original details issues in 2022 and also speak to Geoff Williamson to see if he has any further information about their plans for 2024.
21. To discuss joining forces with Stocking Pelham parish council to tackle speeding
As speeding is a problem in all local villages, the parish council decided to suggest a meeting with other local parish councils Highways, local police and our district and county councillors to discuss solutions.
22. To discuss any responses from local farmers from our letter regarding speeding and poor driving of farm vehicles through Albury and surrounding areas
Responses were received from Robert Barclay and Charles Hockley. Both assured us their tractors are limited to 50 KPH but they are happy to review any evidence we can provide to the contrary. It was suggested that school parents from outside of the village exceed the speed limit more than tractors do. In this light, the councillors will ask the school to remind all parents to be mindful of the 30 MPH limit throughout the village.
23. To draw the 200 Club number for July
The number drawn was 195.
24. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 5th September 2023
Stansted Airport flight path changes, parochial charities, volunteering day, parish plan, memorial garden, speeding tractors, railing repairs, river cleaning, sign post clearance schedule, purchase of strimmer, encourage residents to report white railings condition to Highways
The chair closed the meeting at 8:50 pm