Minutes March 2020

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall

Present: Councillors Clayden, Jolly, and Kent
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt and 1 member of the public

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15 pm

1. Councillor Jolly to sign declaration of acceptance of office
The acceptance of office was signed by Councillor Jolly and the clerk
2. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies from Councillors Davis, Hoyes and Muller were received and accepted.
3. To receive declarations of interest. None.
4. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 4th February 2020.
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
5. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be reported in specific agenda points.
6. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
Graham Frary from the Middlesex Automobile Club told the Parish Council about the Hertfordshire Stages Rally which is planned on 12th July 2020. It will pass through Furneux Pelham and roads will be closed. If anyone would like more information. they can contact Graham directly by emailing grahamfrary@tiscali.co.uk
Councillor Jolly reported drainage issues causing floods outside the school plus a dangerous tree in Albury End and agreed to report both to East Herts Council.
7. To consider planning applications.
APPLICATION: 3/20/0339/FUL PROPOSAL: Conversion of garage to self-contained dwelling together with elevational alterations including the erection of two dormer windows. AT: Walnut Tree Cottage Patmore Heath Albury. NO COMMENT
APPLICATION: 3/20/0335/LBC PROPOSAL: Demolition of single storey side extension. Erection of a single storey side extension. Removal of first floor flank window and the insertion of a conservation roof light. AT: Pightle Cottage Patmore Heath Albury Ware Hertfordshire. NO COMMENT
8. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 4/2/2020 £12,480.13
Income: Bank interest £3.51
Balance at 3/3/2020 £ 12,483.64
Plus unpresented cheques £63.04
Balance per bank statements £12,546.68
9. To agree payments due
Clerk for printer paper and ink £65.98, Hundred Parishes subscription £10. Total: £75.98
Resolved, proposed Councillor Clayden, seconded Councillor Kent, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
A VAT reclaim for £1675.23 has been submitted.

11. To receive any update from the playground committee and discuss future plans
Charity status has been approved. The parish council has to sign a declaration to submit to the charity commission confirming the land will always be a play area and will never be sold or subjected to a change of use.
12. To receive an update of a meeting held with Jeremy Kent, John Bosworth and Geoff Williamson regarding proposed changes to Patmore Heath Conservation area
This meeting took place on 17th February. An executive meeting is scheduled for 27th April. Residents’ feedback is to be acknowledged. There will be no change in development potential as a result of this consultation and it us also unrelated to any wildlife conservation plan in the area.
13. To discuss the risk assessment of the removal of collapsed fencing between the village hall and the river
The playground and village hall patio fence need to be repaired to ensure both are secure. The broken fencing along the river Ash can then be removed with no risk to hall and playground users. Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Clayden, that the broken fencing along the River Ash should be removed. Unanimously agreed.
14. To discuss any information received from Herts Highways regarding who is responsible for maintaining the road and ditches from Patmore Heath towards Hixham Hall
No reply has been received and so Councillor Kent is to follow up.
15. To review the allotment agreements before reissue
We need to review any pesticide restrictions in weed killers before issuing new agreements..
16. To gather new signatory information for a bank mandate update
17. To discuss tree work quotes for village hall area
Quotes to tidy trees in front of the hall, beside the car park and in the playground, and to remove two dead trees have been sought. We are still waiting for one quote. The parish council will pay for the work which is expected to be in the region of £1,500 excluding VAT. Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Jolly, that the parish council will pay for the cost of the recommended tree works. Unanimously agreed.
18. To discuss supporting the Local Electricity Bill
Postponed until all councillors have familiarised themselves with the bill.
19. To discuss maintenance requirements at the village hall
The village hall committee are to get quotes for slipped tiles, outside decoration, gutter clearance and fence repairs.
20. Draw January, February and March 200 club numbers
Numbers 199, 71 and 9 were drawn.
21. To discuss organizing the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and set a budget as necessary
Resolved, proposed Councillor Kent, seconded Councillor Jolly, that a budget of £200 be allowed. Unanimously agreed.
22. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 7th April 2020 at 7.15 pm at the village hall
Allotment agreements, tree quotes, fencing, hall maintenance, invite East Herts rep to discuss roads, paths and who is responsible.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.25 pm