Meeting Minutes 03.02.2015
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr Benton, Cllr Muller (chairman), Cllr Webster (vice-chairman)
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 3 members of the public (MOP)
The chairman opened the meeting at 19:20
1.To receive and accept apologies for absence. Cllr Walne sent his apologies.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on 13th January, 2015. Resolved that these Minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The playground gate closer and instructions are ready to pass to R Crafter to install.
The village hall sent further information to support their grant request. It was too late for this agenda so will be added to the March agenda.
The clerk spoke to a trustee of the Albury Children’s Fund. They are raising money to refurbish the playground.
The clerk asked again via FB if anyone is interested in taking part in an Open Gardens Event but has received no responses.
Other matters to be reported within specific agenda items.
5. Chairman’s announcements (for information only). None
6. To receive petitions comments and questions from the public
Regarding the Open Garden event, an MOP said some of his neighbours had expressed an interest and their details will be forward to the clerk.
An MOP asked if there has been any update from HMWT regarding the management of Patmore Heath. Cllr Muller said no further information has been received and she will chase them on the matter.
An MOP asked what APC were holding so much money in reserve for. The chairman responded that it was earmarked to be spent on community projects such as a playground refurbishment. APC plan to invite community groups to apply for grants.
7. To consider planning applications listed below.
3/15/0159/FP Brooms Farm, Upwick Green. Removal of existing double boarded doors and replace with 2 brick piers, central double doors and 2 flanking windows in North and South elevations.
3/15/0160/LB Brooms Farm, Upwick Green. Listed Building Consent for removal of existing double boarded doors and replace with 2 brick piers, central double doors and 2 flanking windows in North and South elevations. Internal alterations to allow new study, bedroom and bathroom.
As these applications were only received on 30/1/15 the councillors need more time to view them. Any comments will be made directly to the planning department before the 20th February deadline.
8. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 31/12/14 £30,579.36
Income: £207.02
Outgoings: as agreed 13/1/15 -£820.30
Balance at 31/01/15 £29,966.08
9. To agree payments due. None.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Received a residents request for permission to widen a driveway across the common land to their property on Patmore Heath.
Received Cllr Barrett’s resignation letter and a corresponding Vacancy Notice from EHC.
Received a letter from a person interested in taking part in the Arts and Crafts show.
Received request from allotment tenant for permission to erect a shed at the allotments.
Received request from a resident to see last years and the coming years budget sheets.
Received email from Savills estimating a land licence preparation cost of £500 + VAT.
Received a copy of Village Hall accounts to support their grant request.
11. To discuss Cllr Barrett’s resignation which has created a vacancy on the Parish Council
APC received Cllr Barrett’s resignation on 23/1/15. Cllr Muller asked if any MOP present was interested in filling the vacancy. A resident of Albury, Tracey Waples, expressed an interest. Tracey has previously served as a Parish Councillor for Albury.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Muller, seconded by Cllr Webster that Tracey Waples be co-opted to fill the vacancy. Unanimously agreed.
12. To discuss on going allotment maintenance
We advertised the vacant allotments on FB, in the newsletter and in the pub but have had no responses. There are still 4 vacant plots.
An allotment tenant applied in writing for permission to erect a shed. The councillors agreed he may erect the shed under certain conditions. The clerk is to draft a response and circulate it to the councillors for approval.
The clerk is to contact the gardener who recently cleared the empty allotment plots and ask him to suggest a maintenance schedule and quote a price for this.
A skip is to be provided twice a year to aid allotment tenants with allotment clearance.
13. To discuss the Albury Children’s Fund, which is run by residents to raise money for village projects such as the playground.
The clerk made contact with the trustees who manage this fund. The councillors asked for them to be invited to attend a parish council meeting to discuss how we can work together to raise further funds for a playground refurbishment. The clerk is to forward on this invite.
14. To discuss the next DriveSafe Campaign
There are plans to arrange a further DriveSafe Campaign during March or early April. The location is to be decided.
15. To discuss the planning and budget for the Easter Egg Hunt for Easter 2015
An Easter Egg Hunt is to be held at Patmore Heath on Saturday 4th April, from 11am to 2pm. This will be held in conjunction with Albury School. Cllr Muller is to arrange for promotional posters to be made. The clerk is to ask the school to advertise the event in their newsletter. The details will be placed on FB and, space permitting, in the Albury Newsletter. The clerk is to ask the organisers of the Albury Santa Float how many selection packs they usually hand out at Christmas to gauge how many prizes to buy. For their safety, children will need to be carefully supervised by adults at all times on the day.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton, seconded by Cllr Muller that a budget of £500 be set aside to fund this event. Unanimously agreed.
16. Discuss the possibility of adding more parking spaces at the Village Hall car park
Cllr Webster pointed out that when large events take place at the village hall there is often a shortage of parking spaces due to the numbers of residents who also use the car park. She asked if it would be possible to increase the number of parking spaces. It was suggested that re-marking the bays may help and maybe some of the bushes and shrubs could be removed to create extra spaces. It was felt it would be too difficult to enforce a parking fee for residents to deter them from parking there. The clerk is to ask the Village Hall Committee if they have ever received feedback from hirers regarding parking problems. The clerk is to seek out plans of the car park to circulate amongst the councillors to gain a better idea of ways to improve the situation.
17. Receive an Arts and Crafts Show update from Cllr Webster
The show is to take place on 24th and 25th October 2015. The original organiser is to manage the art side and APC will manage the crafts side. APC will pay for event advertising. Proceeds will be used for community projects. The clerk is to ask if the village hall hire fee can be waived. APC are to approach the Potluck Supper team to ask if they will organise the refreshments.
18. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting date: Tuesday 3rd March 2015, 7.15pm at the village hall
Donation to Village Hall. Residents application to widen driveway on Patmore Heath. Easter Egg Hunt. Agree to website updates. Parish Paths Partnership Scheme.
The chairman closed the meeting at 20:25