Meeting Minutes 03.03.2015
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 3rd March 2015 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr Benton, Cllr Waples, Cllr Walne, Cllr Webster (vice-chairman)
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 2 members of the public (MOP)
The vice chairman opened the meeting at 7.25pm
1.To receive and accept apologies for absence. Cllr Muller sent her apologies for this meeting and the meeting to be held of 2nd June 2015. Cllr Benton informed the clerk earlier in the day that he would be late. He arrived at 7:55pm
2.To receive declarations of interest. None.
3.To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on 3rd February, 2015. Resolved that these Minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4.To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
The playground gate closer and instructions have been passed to R Crafter to install.
The clerk has asked several people to replace Rev Boulton as a trustee of Albury Parochial Charities but none have been able to take the post.
The Chairman has spoken to Savills re: the land licence and this is progressing.
The trustees of the Albury Children’s fund have been invited to attend a meeting and we are awaiting the response of one of them.
The village hall committee have had complaints about the lack of car parking space. The clerk asked for plans from the original architects but they no longer have any.
Other matters to be reported within specific agenda items.
5.Chairman’s announcements (for information only). None
6.To receive petitions comments and questions from the public
An MOP said he has fitted the gate closer to the playground gate and asked if he can purchase a latch to fit on the gate, at a cost of approximately £20. The councillors agreed he can do this and will be reimbursed. An MOP asked if there has been any progress regarding a previous request to place a perimeter fence around the Coronation Oak tree in Cow Pasture. The clerk agreed to follow this up.
7.To consider planning applications listed below
3/15/0091/FP Heath End Cottage, Patmore Heath, Albury. No comment.
Two storey rear extension, pitched roof over link to garage and alterations to fenestration.
3/15/0092/LB Heath End Cottage, Patmore Heath, Albury.
Two storey rear extension, pitched roof of link to garage and alterations to fenestration. Internal alterations to include removal of existing walls, creation of doorways and removal of existing ground floor bathroom and W.C. No comment.
8.To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 31/01/15, £29,966.08
Income: Bank Interest 2/3/15, £0.60
Outgoings: as agreed 3/2/15, £0.00
Balance at 28/02/15, £29,966.68
9.To agree payments due
J. Veater Planning Advice fee, £720.00
D. Muller for website update, £70.00
J.Pettitt for Easter Egg Hunt purchases, £346.79
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Waples, that the payments should be made. Unanimously agreed.
10.To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
Received LAIS 1372 Transparency Code from HAPTC and forwarded to councillors
Received LAIS 1373 Automatic Precept from HAPTC and forwarded to councillors
Received LAIS 1374 Councillor Travel Expenses from HAPTC, forwarded to councillors
Received LAIS 1375 Electronic Summons from HAPTC and forwarded to councillors
Reports of damage to car tyres in pot holes in Albury End have been received from residents and the chairman has raised the issue with our local councillor, the East Herts Highway Locality Officer and Ringway.
11.To discuss the quotes received for regular allotment maintenance and whether to proceed
Two quotes have been received for the four vacant allotments to be mowed/strimmed four times per year. One came in at £480 and the other at £280.
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Waples, that the provider of the £280 quote be employed to carry out the allotment clearance. Unanimously agreed.
The clerk is to write to one of the allotment tenants to ask them to clear some rubbish from their allotment.
12.To receive an update on the planning for the Easter Egg Hunt for Easter 2015
The plastic eggs, baskets and other decorative items have been purchased. Posters have been displayed on the notice boards, on FaceBook, on the village website, and circulated via email to residents and the school parents. The clerk is to purchase 120 chocolate eggs and any other suitable items from the remainder of the budget.
13.To discuss the Village Hall Grant request
The councillors read the account information provided by the Village Hall Committee prior to the meeting. Resolved, proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Waples, that the requested donation of £500 be paid to the Albury Village Hall. Unanimously agreed.
14.To discuss the application from a Patmore Heath resident to widen the access to the front of their property across the common land
The councillors reviewed the request and plans prior to the meeting. They discussed the fact that the parish council have never granted permission to alter driveways across common land to properties on Patmore Heath unless a valid medical reason has been proven. Resolved that permission to alter the driveway across the common land at Patmore Heath be denied. Unanimously agreed. Details are in the appendix which will be filed with these minutes.
15.Receive an Arts and Crafts Show update from Cllr Webster
The Pot Luck Supper ladies have agreed to organise the refreshments.
16.Discuss if there is enough interest to make it viable to hold an Open Garden Event
As only three people have confirmed interest it was agreed to postpone this event until next year.
17.To discuss making an application to the Parish Paths Partnership Scheme for a grant. Grants of up to £1000 are available to improve, promote or enhance existing public rights of way to benefit the local community
18.To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting date: Tuesday April 2015, 7.15pm at the village hall
Pothole issues. Parish Path Partnership Scheme. Broadband. Albury Parochial Charities. Agree internal auditor. Parish Council Elections. Annual Parish Council meeting and Annual Parish Meeting agendas and date.
The vice chairman closed the meeting at 8pm.