Meeting minutes 04.09.18

Meeting minutes 04.09.18


Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 4th September 2018, 19.15 at the Village Hall


Present: Cllrs Davis, Kent, Murdoch, Wheatley and Waples.
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk), and 2 members of the public.

The chair opened the meeting at 7:25

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Walne.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 5th July 2018. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
These will be reported in agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
A member of the public asked when a hedge in the village hall car park will be trimmed. Councillor Murdoch replied that it would be done soon as the growing season is now over.
6. To consider planning applications
None received.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 5/7/2018 £30,635.71
Income: Bank interest £12.62, UK Power wayleave £29.90, New Homes Bonus grant £979.00
Outgoings: As agreed 12/5/18 £1,056.36
CHBT Annual subs £422.40, Village hall crockery £282.00, Internal audit fee £180.00, Allotment mowing April £65.00
Balance at 4/9/2018 £29,651.47
8. To agree payments due
Grasscutters & Co June invoice £65, Land Registry search fees £49, Playground Inspection £52.32, Allotment water harvesters £516.84. Total £683.16
Resolved, proposed Cllr Waples, seconded Cllr Murdoch, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
9. Obtain further signatures on bank mandate change form
These will be completed at the next meeting.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
HMWT have erected a new information sign at Patmore Heath as planned.
11. To discuss the progress of the traditional village sign project
Cllr Murdoch is waiting to hear back from his contact at Herts County Council as to whether a particular site is acceptable. Another site at the south end of the village near the white railings was suggested. At the same, time this whole area could be tidied up and the railings repaired and painted. Cllr Waples agreed to submit a planning application for a sign at this site to East Herts Council.
12. To discuss progress in confirming ownership of a section of road at Patmore Heath
The clerk has requested information from HM Land Registry and will circulate the documents to the councillors as soon as it is received.
13. To discuss the response to our request for traffic calming measures in the village
Cllr Murdoch met with Herts County Council Highways department and showed evidence of various traffic problems in Albury. He discussed the need for various traffic calming measures and was told these were reasonable. He has since heard that funding may be available for items such as radar speed signs. These cost £5000 each and the councillors discussed purchasing one as soon as possible and that, hopefully, we might be given funding to purchase a second one.
14. To discuss the progress if installing a rainwater harvester at the allotments harvester at the allotments
Cllr Davis has installed two large rain water harvesters and they are working well. He will be fencing them off soon and adding a padlocked gate to restrict use to allotment holders.
15. To discuss new allotment agreements
Cllr Davis agreed to review the current agreement and amend as necessary ready for the clerk to circulate by the end of September.
16. To discuss the allotment clearance quote
The quote came in at £350. The councillors were happy as long as this includes the over grown hedge at the edge of the village hall car park.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Murdoch, seconded Cllr Davis, that this quote is acceptable, and that the clearance should be carried out. Unanimously agreed.
17. To discuss trimming of hedge adjacent to village hall car park
The people clearing the allotments are to be asked to trim this hedge as part of the same job.
18. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 2nd October 2018 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Speed signs, village sign, HMWT plans, hole in road at Patmore Heath

The Chair closed the meeting at 9pm