Meeting Minutes 04.11.2014
Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 4th November 2014 at 19.15 hrs at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr P Benton, Cllr T Walne, Cllr B Webster (vice-chairman)
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 1 member of the public (MOP)
The vice-chairman opened the meeting at 19:25
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Muller and Cllr Barrett.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None
3. To confirm the minutes of Albury Parish Council meeting held on 7th October 2014.
Resolved that these Minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the Vice-Chairman. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
Quotes received for a ‘No Dogs Allowed’ sign and a playground gate closer, for £12.76 and £112.27 respectively. Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton that these should be purchased, seconded by Cllr Walne. Unanimously agreed.Thames Water confirmed that they are to install new pumps at the Clapgate pumping station. The clerk agreed to inform Bourne residents of this by letter.
The school added a note to their newsletter asking parents to select preferred equipment for the playground refurbishment. No responses have been received.
The clerk passed East Herts Councils Sports England Bid details to the Village Hall Committee. Other matters to be reported within specific agenda items.
5. Chairman’s announcements (for information only). None
6. To receive petitions comments and questions from the public
An MOP asked where the boundaries of the allotment gardens lie. APC agreed to look into this. The MOP asked if APC were aware that an electric cable runs just below ground level along the rear gardens of The Bourne to a shed adjacent to allotment plot 10. He asked if permission for the shed, the electric cable, a water storage tank and a rainwater supply leading to it had been granted by APC. APC agreed to look into this also.
7. To consider planning applications listed below. None received
8. To discuss the allotments, including progress of the clearance
A skip was provided at the allotments on 25th October and the tenants were informed of this by letter on 17th October. Cllr Webster and the clerk confirmed that the gardener had cleared the agreed plots. The skip requires collecting. Cllr Webster agreed to arrange this and for another skip to be delivered. The councillors discussed the shed and water storage tank adjacent to plot 10 and agreed permission for these had not been sought or granted. Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton that a letter should be sent to the tenant responsible asking for these items, along with any related electricity cable and rain water supply pipes, to be removed, seconded by Cllr Webster. Unanimously agreed. The clerk agreed to write a letter to the tenant responsible.
9. To discuss the A120 Bypass scheme
The clerk agreed to establish the status of a request for further A120 consultations at Albury Village Hall. It was previously agreed to employ a planning professional at a cost of £600 for per day. Resolved, proposed by Cllr Benton, that APC pay for a maximum of three days if necessary, seconded by Cllr Walne. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Walne agreed to call the chosen planning professional to discuss APC’s requirements before enlisting their services.
The clerk agreed to prepare a reminder to residents to submit their views by 3rd December. This will be placed on our new website, Facebook and in the Albury Newsletter (space permitting).
10. To discuss the progress of the update of the Albury Village website
The rework is complete. Everyone agreed that the website looks super and agreed it should be introduced via Facebook and in the Albury Newsletter. The URL is
11. To receive an update of the DriveSafe campaign
The first campaign was completed successfully on 20th October. Another one is due to take place in the next couple of weeks.
12. To discuss the Easter Egg Hunt for Easter 2015
Cllr Benton agreed to work out a budget by the next meeting in January and the finer details will be discussed then also.
13. To discuss the Albury Parochial Charities status
The clerk has contacted the Charities Commission to establish how to have the charity reinstated and is awaiting a response. The investment managers have been informed of the current position.
14. To discuss establishing which land around the village is registered to APC
Postponed to a future agenda in light of Cllr Barrett’s absence.
15. To discuss the idea of an Albury Youth football team
Postponed to a future agenda as no further information has been received.
16. To discuss the progress of a request to the land owner for permission to place a Christmas Tree by the bus stop at Clapgate
The clerk emailed Savills regarding the ownership and maintenance of the land by Clapgate bus stop but has received no response. Cllr Benton agreed to follow this up.
17. To thank Cllr Webster for her previous donation of £198 from the proceeds of the Albury Antiques and Interiors Fair
The other councillors thanked Cllr Webster for her donation of £198 in September. Cllr Webster responded by donating a further sum of £371 from the October Fair. These donations will be used for community projects.
18. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 30/09/14: £31,881.36
Income: £0.00
Outgoings: as agreed 2/9/14 -£1,537.42 Plus standing order -£10.00 (Stop Stansted Expansion)
Balance at 31/10/14: £30,333.94
19. To agree payments due
HAPTC training £35.00, Poppy Wreath donation £20.00, J. Pettitt (Web Domain registration) £34.20, D. Muller for website reworks £650.00,
P. Cage for allotment clearance £230.00, Albury Newsletter Trust £14.00
Resolved, proposed by Cllr Webster, seconded by Cllr Walne that the payments should be made.
20. To receive the Clerks report (for information only)
East Herts are launching a housing survey during November.
The Causeway Car Park in Bishop’s Stortford is undergoing improvements, expect disruption.
Received Parish Rights of Way update.
Received invitation to a risk assessment briefing for Highways Together project.
Received several new LAIS from the HAPTC.
Received notes from the EHAPTC September meeting.
Received the HAPTC October bulletin.
21. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting date: Tuesday 13th January 2015, 7.15pm at the village hall
Discuss community projects that the Parish Council could support.
The Easter Egg Hunt.
The vice-chairman closed the meeting at 9:00pm
Signed………………………………….. Date……………………….