Meeting minutes 05.03.19

Meeting minutes 05.03.19

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 5th March 2019, 19.15 at the Village Hall


Present: Cllrs Davis, Kent, Murdoch, Walne and Waples
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk)

Councillor Murdoch opened the meeting 7.20 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies from Councillor Wheatley were received and accepted.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th February 2019. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
These will be reported in agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
A resident asked if councillors will consider contributing to costs of clearing recent fly tipping in the village. The councillors expressed their shock at the amount that was tipped and want to thank the land owner for clearing it up so swiftly.
6. To consider planning applications.
3/19/0378/HH PROPOSAL: Double storey side extension and erection of additional side extension to create orangery. AT: Mill House Patmore Heath Albury Ware Hertfordshire.
No comments.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 5/2/19 £25,529.37
Income: 4/3/19 £12.44
Outgoings: As agreed 5/2/19 £786.02
Balance at 5/3/19 £24,755.79
8. To agree payments due
£507.69 To clerk for new laptop, £1580 TP Garden Care, £10.000.00 grant to Albury Playspace, CHBT Annual Membership £151.20 Total £12,238.89
Resolved, proposed Cllr Murdoch, seconded Cllr Waples, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To discuss the village sign site clearance and railing refurbishment progress, and regular clearance work quote
The initial tidy-up and railing painting has been completed @ £1580. Councillor Davis is to confirm a price of £50 + VAT per maintenance clearance, 4 times per year.
11. To discuss the condition of the bus shelter green
Councillor Murdoch has discussed the condition of the area with the owner’s agent who doesn’t think it is much of an issue. He is to ask if the posts can be repositioned to prevent them from being continually knocked over.
12. To discuss the fallen tree reported by a resident at Patmore Heath
Atkins Arborists are to survey the tree’s position and report back. It was agreed that the clerk can authorise the work if it is not more than £300. Resolved, proposed Cllr Murdoch, seconded Cllr Waples, that a maximum of £300 can be spent to remove the tree. Unanimously agreed.
13. To discuss the possibility of cutting the hedge along the path by Cow Pasture
14. To receive any update from the Albury playground committee, discuss playground grant and playground fence repairs
Stage 1 of the redevelopment is ready to go ahead at a cost of approximately £12,000.00. The councillors agreed to give a grant of £10,000 towards this phase. Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Murdoch, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
15. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Village sign and ongoing site maintenance, playground, parish council elections, Easter Egg Hunt Saturday 20/04/19 budget, elections.