Meeting minutes 06.11.18
Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 6th November 2018, 19.15 at the Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Davis, Kent and Wheatley
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk)
Councillor Wheatley opened the meeting at 7.20 pm
1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies from Councillors Murdoch, Walne and Waples were received and accepted.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 2nd October, 2018. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
These will be reported in agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
6. To consider planning applications
3/18/2084/ADV PROPOSAL: installation of non-illuminated “village sign” AT: Roadside Verge, Albury Road, Albury, Hertfordshire. No comment.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 2/10/2018 £32,418.31
Income: Litter Picking grant £1,486.15
Outgoings: As agreed 2/10/18 £1,555.96
Stansted Airport Community Trust 15/10/18 £10.00
Balance at 6/11/2018 £32,338.50
8. To agree payments due
Radar speed sign £5,100, Planning app fee £165, Allotment mowing Aug/Sept £130. Total £5,395
Resolved, proposed Davis, seconded Cllr Kent, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
9. Obtain further signatures on bank mandate change form
Cllr Wheatley took the forms to complete.
10. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
An email has been received from a resident asking if it is possible that the environment agency might be responsible for the collapsing culvert beneath an access road in Patmore Heath.
11. To discuss the progress of the planning application for the traditional village sign project
The planning application has been accepted and a decision is due after 16th November.
12. To discuss the progress of the radar speed sign installation and other traffic calming measures
An invoice has been received for one of the radar signs. We are awaiting an installation date plus a schedule for other changes agreed to speed sign locations and to speed limits.
13. To discuss the disposal of the waste clearance waste at the allotments
Councillor Davis, and two residents burned the waste and so the site is now clear.
14. To discuss the quotes for clearing the path to the school and the verges by the railings over the bridge
We have received a quote of £450 for both jobs. The clerk noticed the path has been cut back and so only the verge needs clearing.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Kent, that the company who quoted should be offered the verge clearance work for a payment of £225. Unanimously agreed.
Cllr Wheatley is to speak to the farming consortium who own the land beside the path to see if the hedge can be cut right back to allow for the path to be widened.
15. To further discuss the Deed of Easement relating to the access way leading from Patmore Heath towards Heath Farm
We are waiting for a response from the grantees who have been forwarded a copy of the deed.
16. To receive any update from the Albury playground committee
17. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Hedge by path, village sign, radar signs and other traffic calming, fly tipping issue, playground