Meeting minutes 08.01.19

Meeting minutes 08.01.19

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 8th January 2019, 19.15 at the Village Hall


Present: Cllrs Davis, Kent, Murdoch, Walne, Waples and Wheatley
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk)

Councillor Murdoch opened the meeting at 7.15 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence. None.
2. To receive declarations of interest. None.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6th November, 2018. Resolved that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings and be duly signed by the chair. Unanimously agreed.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
These will be reported in agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.
6. To consider planning applications. None.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 6/11/18 £32,338.50
Income: Bank Interest £12.62
Outgoings: As agreed 6/11/18 £5,395
Donation to Albury 60 Plus £300
Architect fee (village sign planning) £120
Balance at 8/1/19 £26,536.12
8. To agree payments due
Clerk’s salary £711.36, Litter Picker 1 £130, Litter Picker 2 £130, Clerk’s expenses £35.39
Total £1006.75
Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Kent, that these payments be made. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To discuss the progress of the planning application for the traditional village sign project
Planning permission has been granted. The sign has been ordered at a cost of £3,950.
11. To discuss the progress of the radar speed sign installation and other traffic calming measures
We are still expecting these to installed early this year and the other promised changes to speed signs to be implemented soon.
12. To discuss the quotes for clearing the path to the school and the verges by the railings over the bridge
Where the path is concerned options to widen it are being looked in to. Regarding the site of the village sign, councillors are to get quotes for a one-off clearance of the area, a refurbishment of the railings and an ongoing maintenance contract.
13. Cutting hedges
Councillors are to contact the owners of the hedge along the path towards school.
Herts County Council may provide a grant for improvements if the school make an application. Details will be passed to the school.
14. Fly Tipping
Councillor Kent is to design a poster to display around the village and in the newsletter.
Residents should report any incidents to East Herts Council, and to Albury Parish Council so we can keep a check on the extent of the problem. Also, residents are to be asked to keep an eye out for vehicles laden with obvious waste heading into the area and note the contents and the number plate and pass these details to the parish clerk.
15. Laptop
The parish council laptop is no longer useable. The councillors agreed that the clerk should order a replacement at a maximum cost of £1200.
Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Waples, that the clerk should purchase a laptop up to the value of £1200. Unanimously agreed.
16. To receive any update from the Albury playground committee
The playground committee has opened a bank account and is setting up a charity. It is also applying for various grants.
The fence around the playground needs repairing. Councillor Wheatley is to look at what needs to be done.
17. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall
Hedge by path, village sign site clearance and ongoing maintenance, railing maintenance, radar signs and other traffic calming, fly tipping issue, playground, grant for school defibrillator pads/battery, Precept and budget, 100 Parishes subscription