Meeting Minutes 21.05.2015

Parish Meeting Minutes 21.05.2015

Minutes of The Annual Meeting of the Parish of Albury 21st May 2015



Minutes of a meeting held Thursday 21st May 2015 at ­­­­­20:05 hrs at the Village Hall


Present: Cllr Benton, Cllr Muller (chairman), Cllr Waples

In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt (parish clerk) and 4 members of the public (MOP)

The chairman opened the meeting at 8.05 pm

1.To receive and accept apologies for absence. Cllr Walne sent apologies.

2.To receive the Albury Annual Report

The chairman read out the annual report (Appendix 1)

The clerk read out an annual and monthly update from the local police (Appendix 2)

 Cllr Benton read out an update from the headmaster of Albury Primary School (contact the clerk for details)

3.Question time.



The chairman closed the meeting at 8.25 pm


Appendix 1.

The Parish Council would like to offer thanks to the following people

  • Brigitte Webster, who recently retired from the Parish Council after 8 years service. Her input will be greatly missed. Brigitte will still be helping to organise the forthcoming Arts and Crafts Show and The Albury Antique Fairs both events raise funds for community projects
  • Nuala Barrett, who resigned from the Parish Council earlier this year, for all her help during her year as a councillor
  • Maggie Vicary for her constant efforts in keeping the village tidy
  • Reg Crafter for his continual help with various village maintenance tasks
  • Pam Blevins for always managing to squeeze our lengthy minutes into her Parish Newsletter
  • Judy and Ray Murdoch for their much needed support of the DriveSafe campaign
  • The current councillors for their continuing hard work and dedication
  • Julie Cooper for providing us with a beautiful drawing of the Church to create a greeting card (These are on sale for £1 each)

Parish Council projects over the last year

  • A revamp of the village website
  • Clearance and ongoing maintenance of the allotments (of which there are still 3 available if anyone is interested)
  • Persistently chasing up the repair of the railings of the River Ash bridge which have now been completed
  • Liaising with the Highways department and chasing for regular updates of pothole repairs
  • Battling with the school to get the drains cleared to prevent flooding outside the school, a battle we think we have won
  • Arrangement of the annual safety inspection of the playground
  • Instigating to successful completion instalment of new pumps to ease flooding at Clapgate pumping station
  • We feel we have much better communications with our residents, keeping them informed & updated via the website, the village notice boards, Facebook and the Albury newsletter
  • Holding a DriveSafe campaign to encourage speed awareness in the village
  • Continuing the relationship with HMWT to keep us informed of management plans of Patmore Heath
  • Instigating repairs to fencing at Parsonage Lane pumping station
  • Continuing support of St Mary’s church and Village Hall with annual grants
  • Campaigning to keep the village free of dogs mess!
  • Welcoming new families to the village with a card and a note containing Parish Council details
  • Easter Egg Hunt.This was a huge success and we hope to arrange another one next year
  • Arts and Crafts Show.The parish council are now assisting with the organisation of this show which will be held 24th and 25th October.

 Appendix 2.

 Annual Report from Amanda Higham PCSO

 April 2014 – 2 recorded crimes – theft 6th, distraction burglary 10th

May 2014 – no recorded crime

June 2014 – 2 recorded crimes – burglary 2nd, garage break 14th

July 2014 – 2 recorded crimes – theft 11th,burglary 25th

August 2014 – no recorded crime

September 2014 – 1 recorded crime – vehicle damage 12th

October 2014 – no recorded crime

November 2014 – no recorded crime

December 2014 – no recorded crime

January 2015 – no recorded crime

February 2014 – no recorded crime

March 2014 – 2 recorded crimes – damage 20thand 28th 

Current crime trends in the East Herts Rural area include theft from work vans (mainly transit types and theft of work tools), theft of home heating oil and shed breaks in the West of the area. 

We continue to ask people to be vigilant whilst out and about in their community and if they see something suspicious, vehicle or person, to ring 101 immediately to report.