Minutes January 2021

Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 3rd November 2020 at 7.15 pm

Present: Councillors Jolly, Davis, and Muller
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt and 1 member of the public

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.10 pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Clayden
2. To receive declarations of interest
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings They will be signed and passed to the clerk for filing.
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 3/11/20 £14,675.32
Receipts: Bank interest £0.25
Payments: agreed 3/11/2020 £428.39
Balance at 12/1/2021 £14,247.18
Unpresented cheques £174.00
Balance per bank statements £14,421.18
8. To agree payments due
Clerk Zoom meeting fee £14.39, Clerk salary £937.30, Litter picker 1 quarterly payment £130, Litter picker 2 quarterly payment £130, Community Heartbeat Trust VH Defib Annual Subs £151.20, Village Sign flowers £29.98 Total: £1,392.87
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Muller that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To agree the precept amount for 2021 – 2022
£8,000 as per previous financial year
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Muller that the precept should be set at £8,000. Unanimously agreed.
11. To hear from and co-opt anyone interested in filling our parish councillor vacancies
The 2 councillor vacancies were advertised and there were no requests for an election to fill either, therefore we can co-opt. Upwick resident Lucy Klimowicz attended to express an interest and the councillors invited her to join.
Resolved, proposed Councillor Davis, seconded Councillor Muller that the Lucy Klimowicz be co-opted. Unanimously agreed.
This leaves one councillor vacancy. If anyone is interested, please contact the clerk.

12. To review any quotes received for playground fence replacement
No more received as yet. The clerk and councillors are to approach local companies and East Herts Council and Herts County Council for grants as the fence is now falling down and urgently needs replacing.
13. To suggest agenda items for the Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Playground fence grant, bank signatories, agree village sign maintenance schedule, traffic calming.

The Chair closed the meeting at 7:45 pm