Minutes October 2021

DRAFT Minutes of a meeting held Tuesday 5th October 2021 at 7.00 pm at Albury village hall

Present: Councillors Brooks, Clayden, Davis and Klimowicz
In attendance: Mrs J Pettitt and 0 member(s) of the public

The Chair opened the meeting at 7pm

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Jolly and Walne.
2. To receive declarations of interest.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Albury Parish Council annual meeting held on Tuesday 7th September 2021
Resolved, that these minutes be agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings
4. To receive reports on actions agreed at the last council meeting
To be addressed in specific agenda points.
5. To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public
6. To consider planning applications
APPLICATION: 3/21/1874/FUL PROPOSAL: Change of use of the land to residential garden, to be incorporated into residential curtilage land (retrospective). AT: Land To Rear Of 5 And 6 Six Cottages, Clapgate, Albury.
No comment.
APPLICATION: 3/21/2423/HH PROPOSAL: Removal of conservatory. Construction of single-storey rear extension and single-storey side extension. Garage Conversion. New chimney. New ground floor window openings. AT: The Birches, Patmore Heath, Albury. No comment.
7. To receive bank statements, bank reconciliation and financial summary
These were received by the Council and found to be satisfactory.
Balance at 7/9/2021 £11,032.10
Payments: Agreed 7/9/2021 £151.20
Playground fence materials £2,342.92
Receipts: Precept payment £4,000.00
Litter picking grant £1,553.69
Available balance at 5/10/2021 £14,091.67
Balance per bank statement £14,091.67
8. To agree payments due
Clerk’s q3 salary £937.30, clerk’s expenses £64.83, litter picker 1 q3 payment £130, litter picker 2 q3 payment £130. Total £1,262.13
Resolved, proposed Cllr Davis, seconded Cllr Clayden, that the payments due be paid. Unanimously agreed.
9. To receive the clerk’s report (for information only)
10. To discuss actions and activities surrounding local Solar Farm plans and a contribution toward production of a Solar Facility document
Last month we agreed to contribute £50. The clerk is waiting for an account name and address this post this to – to be chased. There has been notice of a planning application for the Wickham Hall solar farm. The clerk will check on the planning portal.
11. To receive an update of the status of the playground fence repairs and playground fundraising
The posts are almost finished and then the rails and wire will be added. The parish council has paid just under £2,000 plus VAT for the materials as previously agreed. The village hall and Albury Play Space will pay for the labour on completion.
12. To discuss the progress of the requested DriveSafe campaign
We need to suggest some dates. The clerk will liaise with the lead volunteers.
13. To receive an update on the request for the road safety van to visit Albury
Graham McAndrew has chased this for us and we are awaiting a response.
14. To discuss a parish council plan of action to address speeding issues through Albury
The clerk has raised a Highways fault report detailing many warn road markings and damaged and wobbly signage.
Graham McAndrew has offered to meet with councillors to discuss issues. The clerk has asked if a meeting can be arranged with Highways, local police and other parish councillors to discuss how to resolve speeding issues.
The parish council agreed to investigate measures to slow vehicles throughout the 30 mph zone such as village gateways, more 30 mph reminders and 20 mph request signs at problem spots.
15. To discuss progress of the bank mandate change request
The clerk has reprinted a personal information form to be completed.
16. To suggest agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting to be held Tuesday 2nd November
Apologies from Councillor Brooks who is unable to attend the next meeting.
Bank signatory update progress, traffic calming/speed meeting and measures, playground fence, village hall fence.

The Chair closed the meeting at 7:45 pm